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Key PRB cases activity complete – English translations of cases available for download

In an effort to provide more awareness to EU stakeholders about China’s patent invalidation system, the Patent Re-Examination Board (PRB) of China’s State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and IP Key Project launched the key PRB cases activity. The first step of this activity was to choose PRB cases based upon their representativeness of key lessons/considerations European industry should take into account in their patent management strategies in China. Cases were chosen that were widely relevant to these objectives, not only relevant to a particular company or very small group of companies; and they could cover invention patents, utility model patents, or designs. IP Key undertook consultations with a range of EU stakeholders in 2014 to collect case nominations. These nominations were then filtered according to the aforementioned criteria, and final cases were decided upon jointly by the PRB and IP Key. These model cases were then translated into English by IP Key. 

English translations of the model PRB cases can be downloaded on the right-hand side of this webpage. Any comments or questions about this activity can be directed to Dan Prud’homme at, or more general questions about IP Key can be directed to Jaspal Channa at

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