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South-East Asia


Workshop on the New Customs Notification System on Border Enforcement of Trade Marks and Copyrights in Thailand

The workshop will enable EU businesses in Thailand to discuss the new Customs Notification system on border enforcement of trade marks and copyrights and the practical aspects of implementing the new system. It will also serve as an awareness-raising activity as intellectual property rights holders are required to register both their trade marks and copyrights with the Customs Department in order to benefit from the remedies under the new system.


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Social Media awareness-raising campaign on IP protection and enforcement

The awareness-raising campaign on social media in SEA countries will target the significance and importance of providing IP protection and enforcement. The focus of the campaign will be on the benefits of IP to the economy, the importance of protecting IPRs, hence creation and innovation, in the region and the adverse effects of IP infringements to businesses and consumers (in terms of economic losses, negative impact on jobs as well as risks to public health and safety) as a priority.


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IP Awareness Raising Events

This activity entails the participation of IP Key SEA Phase II project to  major IPR events (IP Fairs, IP contests, the World IP day) organised by relevant stakeholders, to promote the importance of IPRs in the SEA region from an EU perspective. 


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Consumers have the power to fight back by choosing to support creativity and prioritise quality. Don’t buy fakes, be real. #BETHECHANGE

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EUIPO has published a new call for tenders to implement a set of international cooperation services in South-East Asia, under the Intellectual Property Rights Action for South-East Asia – Phase II (IP Key SEA II).

Services provided will have a duration of 36 months.  The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2022 via the TED platform.

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