
Annexes - Lessons from the EU experience with memoranda of understanding in tackling the online sale of counterfeit goods

IP Key China unveiled a study at 2019 EU-China conference on IPR protection online and innovation. The study analyses the state of play of anti-counterfeiting strategies in the Chinese online environment before and after the entry into force of the 2019 E-commerce Law.

IP Key 中国项目在2019年中欧互联网知识产权保护和创新大会上公布了一项研究。 该研究分析了2019年中国《电子商务法》生效前后中国互联网环境中的防伪策略的现状。

IP Key China study_Lessons from the EU experience with memoranda of understanding in tackling the online sale of counterfeit goods

IP Key China unveiled a study at 2019 EU-China conference on IPR protection online and innovation. The study analyses the state of play of anti-counterfeiting strategies in the Chinese online environment before and after the entry into force of the 2019 E-commerce Law.