
Study on Research and Compilation of Legislation on Copyright in the EU and China

This study aims at exploring the main challenges that the current Chinese copyright system poses to European copyright intensive industries. It identifies several types of infringement that are especially threatening to European right holders and analyses whether and in how far the recent, not yet tried and tested reforms to the copyright system are capable of handling these, in comparison with EU model legislation.

Study on the Judicial Procedures Currently in Place in China for the Treatment of Intellectual Property Cases

This Study aims to analyse some aspects of judicial procedures prevailing in China, for example, the evidence, service of documents, provisional measures, trial, interaction between administrative, criminal and civil procedures. These rules are not specific to the treatment of intellectual property cases, but IP cases show why it is important for foreign stakeholders to know the rules. Some of these rules apply specifically to foreign litigants, but most of them apply to all litigants, without distinction.