Internet related legislation and IP Protection online

Fabrice Renard - New tech and new strategies in IPR protection and enforcement | 知识产权保护与执法新技术,新策略

Presentation on 2020 EU-China Conference on IPR Protection Online & Innovation which took place on 8th December. 2020中欧互联网知识产权保护与创新在线研讨会演讲文稿,于12月8日举办。

Joeri Mombers - Observations regarding the EU Memorandum of understanding on the sale of counterfeit goods on the internet | '欧盟打击互联网售假谅解备忘录'评述

Presentation on 2020 EU-China Conference on IPR Protection Online & Innovation which took place on 8th December. 2020中欧互联网知识产权保护与创新在线研讨会演讲文稿,于12月8日举办。

ROUSE/LUSHENG - IPR Compliance challenges for live streaming E-Commerce | 新形势下直播电商商业模式的知识产权合规挑战

Presentation on 2020 EU-China Conference on IPR Protection Online & Innovation which took place on 8th December. 2020中欧互联网知识产权保护与创新在线研讨会演讲文稿,于12月8日举办。

Phil Lewis - The ACG: How can an MOU help China and EU | ACG: 谅解备忘录模式如何助力中国与欧盟

Presentation on 2020 EU-China Conference on IPR Protection Online & Innovation which took place on 8th December. 2020中欧互联网知识产权保护与创新在线研讨会演讲文稿,于12月8日举办。