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IP Key China Work Achievement: Online Counterfeiting and Piracy

E-commerce has been developing rapidly in recent years, fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic as consumers and businesses prefer online trading due to lockdowns and social-distancing policies. But the online environment has been a more popular target for online infringers, which challenges the EU business and right holders to protect intellectual property in the Chinese online market.

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IP Key China Work Achievement: Patents

The Patent system intends to spur innovation by providing an exclusive right to inventors for 20 years in exchange for making their inventions known through publication. Robust and efficient protection of Patents is key to assuring that this system can be maintained, thereby benefiting right holders, researchers, and the economy as a whole.

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IP Key China Work Achievement: Trade Marks

Trade marks are of significance to EU business in China. Ensuring sufficient protection of trade marks is vital to maintain repute and hold market share.

Since 2017, a variety of activities implemented by IP Key China have addressed several issues which remain prevalent on the Chinese market. These include bad faith applications, the onerous burden of proof, and the protection of well-known trade marks:   

Alignment of Legislation:

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