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Study on Research and Compilation of Legislation on Copyrights Protection in the EU and China

The Study on Research and Compilation of Legislation on Copyrights Protection in the EU and China aims at exploring the main challenges that the current Chinese copyright system poses to European copyright intensive industries. It identifies several types of infringement that are especially threatening to European right holders and analyses whether and in how far the recent, not yet tried and tested reforms to the copyright system are capable of handling these, in comparison with EU model legislation.

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Response to On-Line Counterfeiting and Piracy Study

China’s e-commerce market is one of the largest and most robust in the world. The booming of live streaming and social media further complicates the e-commerce landscape. The technology development and complex dynamics brings challenging legal issues for all stakeholders.

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Study on the New Development of Online Counterfeiting and Piracy in China: Legislation, Cases and Practice 

This study aims to identify and assess the changes in the legal framework of China after E-Commerce Law and its effects on dealing with online counterfeiting and piracy, by analysing the legislative development, platform voluntary measures, latest cases, and right owner feedbacks.

Study on the New Development of Online Counterfeiting and Piracy in China: Legislation, Cases and Practice 

This study aims to identify and assess the changes in the legal framework of China after E-Commerce Law and its effects on dealing with online counterfeiting and piracy, by analysing the legislative development, platform voluntary measures, latest cases, and right owner feedbacks.

Study on Research and Compilation of Legislation on Copyright in the EU and China

This study aims at exploring the main challenges that the current Chinese copyright system poses to European copyright intensive industries. It identifies several types of infringement that are especially threatening to European right holders and analyses whether and in how far the recent, not yet tried and tested reforms to the copyright system are capable of handling these, in comparison with EU model legislation.

Study on Research and Compilation of Legislation on Copyright in the EU and China

This study aims at exploring the main challenges that the current Chinese copyright system poses to European copyright intensive industries. It identifies several types of infringement that are especially threatening to European right holders and analyses whether and in how far the recent, not yet tried and tested reforms to the copyright system are capable of handling these, in comparison with EU model legislation.

2021 EU-China Forum on Criminal IP Enforcement

IP Key China, in partnership with the Quality Brands Protection Committee of China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (referred to as QBPC), organised the EU-China Forum on Criminal IP Enforcement on 1-2 December, with the support of the EU Delegation to China, the EU member states, bringing together law-enforcement agencies domestically and internationally, prosecution offices, business, e-commerce platform, industrial associations and other IP stakeholders.

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