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Trade Secret Systems in the EU and China: Workshop

The results of the in depth study on the Trade Secrets system in China were presented in front of an online and offline audience of government officials, academia and businesses from the European Union. Proposals to improve the legal system and practice were discussed by participants. Some of the recommendations included (not limited):

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Fabrice Renard - New tech and new strategies in IPR protection and enforcement | 知识产权保护与执法新技术,新策略

Presentation on 2020 EU-China Conference on IPR Protection Online & Innovation which took place on 8th December. 2020中欧互联网知识产权保护与创新在线研讨会演讲文稿,于12月8日举办。

Joeri Mombers - Observations regarding the EU Memorandum of understanding on the sale of counterfeit goods on the internet | '欧盟打击互联网售假谅解备忘录'评述

Presentation on 2020 EU-China Conference on IPR Protection Online & Innovation which took place on 8th December. 2020中欧互联网知识产权保护与创新在线研讨会演讲文稿,于12月8日举办。

ROUSE/LUSHENG - IPR Compliance challenges for live streaming E-Commerce | 新形势下直播电商商业模式的知识产权合规挑战

Presentation on 2020 EU-China Conference on IPR Protection Online & Innovation which took place on 8th December. 2020中欧互联网知识产权保护与创新在线研讨会演讲文稿,于12月8日举办。

Phil Lewis - The ACG: How can an MOU help China and EU | ACG: 谅解备忘录模式如何助力中国与欧盟

Presentation on 2020 EU-China Conference on IPR Protection Online & Innovation which took place on 8th December. 2020中欧互联网知识产权保护与创新在线研讨会演讲文稿,于12月8日举办。

IP Key China launches its fourth Annual Work Plan

IP Key China has launched its fourth Annual Work Plan. January 2021 sees the beginning of its implementation. The objective of this work plan is to continue enhancing EU-China cooperation on selected emerging challenges in the area of intellectual property. The European Commission is leading this initiative and it is being implemented by the EUIPO.



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