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Novotel Xinqiao, Beijing

Seminar on IPR in Standardisation

A one-day seminar entitled “Seminar on IPR in Standardisation” will be held on December 10th 2015 at the Novotel Xinqiao in Beijing, China. It is an activity under the EU-China Cooperation on IPR, and will be co-organised by the Treaty and Law Department of Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and IP Key. The seminar will bring together Chinese and EU government officials, standard-setting organisation (SSO) representatives, academics, industry representatives, and IP lawyers to provide insights into policymaking and management in the area of IPR in standardisation.

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IP Café on IP Courts organised by IP Key and Sun Yat-sen University

Roundtable discussion regarding the new specialised IP courts on May 14, 2015 in Guanzghou.

Under the context of the recent establishment of Guangzhou’s IP specialised court, the second IP Café will be held in partnership with Sun Yat-sen University and will focus on the new Specialised IP Courts.  Davide Follador, Long term expert of IP Key brings together key experts from the European Union and China, asking them what are their expectations to the development of China’s new specialised IP courts, and its ramifications to enforcement. 

Confirmed speakers

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France, Germany

Copyright Enforcement and Collective Management in the Digital Era: NCAC visit to the EU

This study visit aims to keep Chinese copyright administrative authority abreast of the recent regulatory and technical developments in the area of online copyright enforcement and collective management in Europe at a time where Chinese Copyright Law undergoes final legislative review, leading the way to the preparation of secondary legislation in related these areas.

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Copenhagen, Rome, Budapest

2015 roving seminar in the EU on the Chinese patent system

European stakeholders can benefit from improved awareness of the benefits of using and how to use the patent system in China, which includes invention patents, utility model patents, and registered design patents. IP Key, in partnership with China’s State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and the Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DPTO), Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM), and Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO), held a roving seminar series explaining how to use the Chinese patent system to maximise value to EU companies and properly protect their patents.

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Budapest, Prague and Warsaw

Roving Seminars in the EU on the Chinese Trade Mark system – Bilateral meetings between State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the PRC and European IP Offices

In the occasion of an official visit by SAIC Vice Minister to the EU, IP Key organised a set of roving seminars in Budapest, Prague and Warsaw with the participation of trade mark experts from the Chinese Trade Mark Office and Appeal Board, aimed at presenting an updated picture of the Chinese trade mark administration and enforcement system.

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Beijing, China

Launch of the EU-China IP Research Network and Second Forum Planning Meeting

On the 16th October, representatives from Chinese universities meet to discuss the 2nd EU-China IP Academic Forum. The first forum was held in the Suzhou Campus of Renmin University in 10th May 2015, and successfuly attracted over 200 participants. Next year the forum will be held in London and will be led by QMUL in April 2016. The EU-China Research Network Feasibility Study was also launched during this meeting. 

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Spain & Italy

Peer to Peer Exchanges to Italy and Spain with the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee, National People's Congress (LAC), on the reform of IPR criminal law

The Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People’s Congress, Standing Committee of the PRC (in short, LAC) is in the process of further revising the Chinese Criminal Code (lastly revised in 2012), LAC Department of Criminal Law is going to be working, in particular, on the amendment to the chapters regulating IPR crimes.

IP Key and LAC recently partnered in the organization of a study visit for a DG-level delegation of the Legislative Affairs Commission, which unfolded in peer to peer exchanges in Rome (Italy) and Alicante (Spain) between November 11th and 18th, 2015.

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Geneva (WIPO), Vienna

Peer to Peer Exchanges in Europe on the Reform of PRC Copyright Law

A delegation of the Legislative Affairs Commission at the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, led by the Director of the Civil Law department, currently working on the revision of the PRC Copyright Law successfully completed a study visit to Europe organised by IP Key under the umbrella of the “New EU-China cooperation on IPR”.

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