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Key Note Speech on IP Issues for Italian Business

Davide Follador of the IP Key Team delivered a keynote speech on "Doing Business in China. Major IP Issues for European and Italian Companies" at a business forum held in Beijing on January 13, 2014.

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Jiangsu International Intellectual Property Forum

Dan Prud'homme of the IP Key Team delivered a keynote speech on "Improving Patent Quality and Innovation in China: Transforming Policy Analysis into Cooperative Action" at the 1st Three Rivers International IP Forum held in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, on November 29, 2013.

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Meeting on IP Protection Framework in Shanghai FTZ

Dan Prud’homme of the IP Key Team met with Deputy Director General Hong Yongqing of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration (SIPA) to discuss potential cooperation between IP Key and SIPA in the coming year on an event to discuss the workings of the IP framework within the newly opened Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ).

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