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Latin America

Event in São Paulo addresses the fight against the sale of counterfeit goods on the internet

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), as host of the Observatory on Infringements, organised and led a key discussion on enforcement, on 3 October 2024, in the city of São Paulo, within the hybrid event ‘Sharing best practices with platforms: Selling counterfeit products on the internet’ in the context of the IP Key LA project. EUIPO´s initiative sought to bring together e-commerce platforms, public authorities and business representatives to share best practices in the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR).

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IP Key LA present at the Ninth Meeting of the Latin American Anti-Smuggling Alliance

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, held the ninth meeting of the Latin American Anti-Smuggling Alliance (ALAC) on 2-3 July. This event, organised by the Confederation of Private Businessmen of Bolivia (CEPB) and the National Association of Businessmen of Colombia (ANDI), brought together more than 150 participants, including authorities, representatives of business organisations, and public and private sector actors, to address joint strategies against illicit trade.

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July, a month of campaigns against counterfeit products

In July, IP Key Latin America will take significant steps to strengthen the fight against counterfeit products through two major initiatives in Costa Rica and South America. The aim of the activities is to align efforts with the European EMPACT initiative, which targets organised crime, including intellectual property (IP) violations. These efforts reflect a growing commitment to raise awareness of the global challenge of counterfeiting, which not only threatens economies, but also endangers public health and safety.

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Successful video campaign against counterfeit products in Brazil

To tackle the rising tide of counterfeiting and piracy, a campaign has been launched with a special focus on Brazilian youth. To deliver this powerful message, and its immediate consequences, a series of short videos have been produced and are being disseminated on social media.

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Bogota Innovation Week

From 14-16 May, Bogotá became the epicentre of international intellectual property debate and collaboration with three major events. Experts in the field of plant variety protection, leading judges and representatives of academic and governmental institutions gathered to discuss the challenges, opportunities and developments in this crucial area.

International Collaboration on Plant Variety Protection Event
Date: May 14, 2024

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International Tequila seminar a great success

Last week, the event "Advances in Geographical Indications: Latest Trends and Global Challenges" was held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Denomination of Origin (DO) of Tequila and the 30th anniversary of the Consejo Regulador del Tequila A.C. (Tequila Regulatory Council).

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