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Latin America

Latin American IP national offices: Updates on COVID19 measures

Considering the current circumstances around the globe, and particularly in the Latin American Region, IP Key LA has established contact with local IPOs to gather information about the procedures still available for users. For more information on dates and specific details, we recommend visiting each office's website, where updated data can be found in a timely manner. 

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virtual workshop

New patent training for Latin American examiners from Mercosur and the Andean Community countries

Due to the current contingency, IP Key LA is organizing a virtual workshop with the EPO, to provide training on EPO examination practice in the field of biotechnology to selected examiners from nine IPOs: INPI Argentina, INPI Brazil, INDECOPI Peru, SIC Colombia, DNPI Uruguay, SENADI Ecuador, INAPI Chile, DINAPI Paraguay and SENAPI Bolivia.

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CP3 extension – DNPI Uruguay

As a result of the joint efforts of the National Directorate of Industrial Property under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay (DNPI), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the EU-funded project IP Key Latin America (IP KEY LA), a Practice Paper concerning the examination of absolute grounds for refusal as regards figurative trade marks with purely descriptive words/expressions has been produced.

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