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Visit to China of Mr Antonio Campinos, President of OHIM

Beijing, China

Visit to China of Mr Antonio Campinos, President of OHIM

Meeting with EU Industry and IP attachés from EU Member States

On the occasion of the Official Launch of the New EU-China Activity-Based Cooperation in Intellectual Property in Beijing on 16 January 2014, IP Key convened a meeting with representatives of European industry and European Union Member States with the participation of Mr. António Campinos, President of the European Union Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), implementing agency of the IP Key.

This meeting provided an opportunity for participants to exchange views about the New EU-China IP Cooperation and IP Key specifically. In addition to Mr Antonio Campinos, the panel was chaired by Mr Lans Gronvald (LG), Head of Development and Cooperation Section at the EU Delegation to China, and other speakers included Mr Joao Negro (Director International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department OHIM), Mr Ernesto Rubio (Special Project Coordinator OHIM), Mr Javier Moreno (Programme Manager International Cooperation Programmes OHIM) and Mr Benoit Misonne (IP Key Team Leader).

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