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EU-China Customs Cooperation on IPR Enforcement

Rome, Italy

EU-China Customs Cooperation on IPR Enforcement

EU-China Customs Cooperation on IPR Enforcement – (Action Plan 2014-2017)

2nd Working Group meeting

1st Joint Group Meeting of Risk Management Experts Specialised in IPR

In the context of the EU-China Customs Cooperation Action Plan (2014-2017) on IPR Enforcement, IP Key in conjunction with EC's Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) and the General Administration of Customs P.R.C. (GACC) is organising the 2nd Working Group Meeting and the 1st Joint Group Meeting of Risk Management Experts Specialised in IPR.

China Customs has made  progress during recent years in seizing goods at export. The GACC has been awarded for the successful results of its activity. The proportion of goods detained at the EU border shipped from China has decreased. Border protection however should be further enhanced through research on modes of transportation of infringing products, corresponding strategies at national levels and stronger promotion of the use of customs protection mechanisms for IPR. There is a continuous need therefore to ensure that European and Chinese Customs officials are aware of respective IPR enforcement legal procedures and techniques, best practices, risk analysis methods and general risk trends, prevention techniques, nurture cross-agency contacts and share resources at their disposal.

The first meeting under the new Action Plan (2014-2017) took place in Ningbo, China 6-9 May 2014


The programme of the 2nd Working Group meeting includes:

·         presentations from both sides and further discussion on:

o   results of the IT pilot MABMail;

o   results of the Key Action 3 (KA3) mapping exercise;

·         state-of-play of the resumed exchange of KA2 referrals;

·         activity on the export declaration system;

·         Discussion of administrative and horizontal issues related to Key Actions in the Plan 2014

·         endorsement of the activity roadmap 2015;

The participants to the meetings would include European Commission services (TAXUD and OLAF), GACC and representatives from the Chinese Customs and Customs officers from various European countries.

Key Action 1 (KA1) of the Action Plan consists in conducting a joint analysis of seizure statistics to detect general trends and risks. In this context both sides agreed to share on a quarterly basis seizure statistics on suspected shipments violating IPR. Agroup ofEuropean and Chinese risk management experts specialised in IPR are meeting on a yearly basis to carry out a joint analysis of these statisticsand of any other relevant informationwith a view to detecting general trends and risk information. This should lead to a better targeting of high risk consignments and an optimal allocation of resources to those ports and routes with the highest incidence of IPRrelated detentions.


This will be the subject of the 1st Risk Analysis meeting where the European and Chinese experts will:

·         Carry out joint analysis of the statistics exchanged and of any other relevant information

·         Prepare a proposal of improving risk analysis in IPR (including on EU side for instance the setting up of joint EU risk profiles in CRMS), and if appropriate, a joint operational activity reflecting the results of the risk analysis

·         Evaluate the effectiveness of the risk analysis

The activity is expected to contribute also to the optimal selection of ports participating in Key Action 2 “Target high risk consignments in key ports via direct exchange of case-specific information on detentions and regular newsletter exchanges with general risk information”.


For more information on this activity, please contact Valentín Mir Valentin.Mir@ext.oami.europa.eu. For general information on the Action please contact Jaspal Channa jaspal.channa@ipkey.org.

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