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EU-CHINA Customs Cooperation on IPR Enforcement - KA1 Joint Group of Risk Management Experts


EU-CHINA Customs Cooperation on IPR Enforcement - KA1 Joint Group of Risk Management Experts

In the context of the EU-China Action Plan (2014-2017) on IPR Customs Enforcement, IP Key  co-organised, together with DG TAXUD and GACC – a meeting of the “KA1 – Joint Group of Risk Management Experts specialised in IPR”. The event will took place in Florence, Italy, from 20 to 21 March, 2017. The Action Plan sets out 5 Key Actions (KA) to strengthen customs enforcement in the fight against the trade in IPR infringing goods. KA1 is devoted to the “Joint analysis of seizure statistics to detect general trends and risks”.

The representatives from European Commission services (DG TAXUD), GACC and Customs officers from EU member states participating to the KA1 risk analysis group, debated on exchanged statistics, the statistical data model and jointly analyse the seizure statistics to detect general trends and risks. 

For more information on the technical details of this activity, please contact Isabelle De Stobbeleir at Isabelle.DE-STOBBELEIR@ec.europa.eu.

For general information on IP Key, please contact Jaspal Channa at jaspal.channa@ipkey.org

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