2018 Roving Seminars in the EU on the Chinese IP System
European stakeholders can benefit from improved awareness on how to use the patent system in China (comprising invention patents, utility models, and registered designs). IP Key China, in partnership with China’s National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA, formerly SIPO) and European Stakeholders, will continue hosting a range of roving seminars which have taken place in the EU since 2015. These are specifically meant for right holder and right holder associations, IP professionals and other interested parties. These activities are organised with the objective of explaining how to use the Chinese patent system to maximise value to EU companies and maximise patents protection.
The seminars will take place on 17 September 2018 in Amsterdam, 19 September in Milan and 21 September in Vienna. All interested parties are welcome to participate in the seminars and register via email address: INFO@IPKEY.EU.