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Seminários sobre a importância dos DPIs para as empresas

In Mexico City, IP Key LA and the Panamericana University successfully organized the "Seminar on the Importance of Intellectual Property in Business: IP Valuation" with over 60 attendees. The event featured several panels that addressed topics such as: strategies and fundamentals, asset management, intangible asset valuation, case studies, and best practices.

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Monitoramento regular dos Compromissos do Capítulo de PI

Peritos externos serão contratados para monitorar e relatar, entre outros, os seguintes aspectos:

  1. Informações atualizadas sobre o estado de avanço das iniciativas legislativas
  2. Informações sobre iniciativas ou ações de fiscalização.
  3. Quaisquer desenvolvimentos locais relativos à proteção e aplicação dos DPIs em todas as questões cobertas pelo FTA.
  4. Número de IGs protegidas sob sua legislação interna para bens agrícolas e outros; disposições/práticas de aplicação da lei.


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Taller Virtual sobre examen de patentes

IP Key LA reúne a expertos de América Latina en el «Taller Virtual sobre examen de patentes: invenciones implementadas por computadora, nuevas tecnologías y tendencias».

Como parte de las actividades realizadas por el proyecto IP Key LA, en cooperación con la Oficina Europea de Patentes (EPO), el próximo 25 y 26 de octubre se llevará a cabo un taller virtual para examinadores de patentes de América Latina.

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El Salvador will use HDB from December 2022

As of December the 12th of this year, the National Registration Center from El Salvador (NRC) will implement in its daily operations the list of terms of the harmonized database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass (https://www.tmdn.org/#/tools/1819832). Aimed at the service of users, this friendly tool gives brands and intellectual property experts the possibility of protecting their products and/or services.

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Online Forum

Seminar for Judges on enforcement of Intellectual Property rights in the digital environment

During the first two days of December, the ‘Seminar for Judges on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment’ was held in Mexico City.

More than 114 magistrates, judges and prosecutors from the European Union and Latin America, as well as officials from intellectual  property offices from both regions, were present.

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