
New patent training for Latin American examiners from Mercosur and the Andean Community countries

virtual workshop

New patent training for Latin American examiners from Mercosur and the Andean Community countries

Due to the current contingency, IP Key LA is organizing a virtual workshop with the EPO, to provide training on EPO examination practice in the field of biotechnology to selected examiners from nine IPOs: INPI Argentina, INPI Brazil, INDECOPI Peru, SIC Colombia, DNPI Uruguay, SENADI Ecuador, INAPI Chile, DINAPI Paraguay and SENAPI Bolivia.

The training will approach European Patent Convention regulations concerning biotechnological inventions as well as provide the examiners with an insight on EPO practices, through the demonstration and the resolution of practical cases by participants. 

The aim of the training is to help Latin American IPOs increase the efficiency and predictability of their examination decisions, particularly in strategic fields for EU business such as biotechnology.

This workshop is a follow-up to the training delivered during the first and second annual work plans, when around 60 examiners from the region received basic training, led by EPO experts, on search tools and substantive examination.

See the PPT presentations made under this activity:



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