
Latin American IP national offices: Updates on COVID19 measures

Latin American IP national offices: Updates on COVID19 measures

Considering the current circumstances around the globe, and particularly in the Latin American Region, IP Key LA has established contact with local IPOs to gather information about the procedures still available for users. For more information on dates and specific details, we recommend visiting each office's website, where updated data can be found in a timely manner. 

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
INPI Argentina Available with appointment - Postponed until 06/07/2020 Postponed until 06/07/2020 Available in website

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
SENAPI Bolivia Not Available (office closed until 05/10/2020) Available, only for Trade marks, Patent, Modifications and Renovations applications. Not to proceesing. Postponed until 05/10/2020 Adhere to the determination of the administration, in case of extension of the quarentine. Available in website

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
INPI Brazil Not Available Available (all registers) On going, examiners are teleworking    Postponed until 05/31/2020 Available in website

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
INAPI Chile Not Available (Office open for staff only, not for the general public) Available (for all categories of rights) On going, examiners are teleworking and a there is a group that works in the office at different shifts Extended Available in website

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
SIC Colombia Not Available  Available online through the Information System of Industrial Property (SIPI, in its Spanish acronyms).  Within normal frames from 01/04/2020 In accordance with Resolution No. 12169 of March 31, 2020, the only administrative terms that will continue to be suspended in the field of industrial property are those relating to the renewal of Distinctive Signs as well as those related to the payment of annuities for the maintenance of patents, which will continue to be suspended while the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency decreed by the President of the Republic is in force. The ability to request and pay renewals and annuities remains available, so rights holders may pay such fees at any time during the suspension. Available in website

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
RNP Costa Rica Available Email available for specific processes On going RPI employees are working, both remotely and at the office Non extended. Available in website and social media

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
SENADI Ecuador Not Available  Available Postponed until 05/31/2020   Available in website

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
CNR El Salvador         -

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
MINECO Guatemala         -

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
DIGEPIH Honduras Not Available  Available request for new registrations / requests for trademark renewals that are in time to be filed. Suspended until further notice Suspended until further notice Available in website

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
IMPI Mexico Not Available
(the office is closed until 30/05/2020)
Available for Trade marks Postponed until 05/30/2020 Postponed until 05/30/2020 www.ip.gob.hn

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
MIFIC Nicaragua         -

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
DIGERPI Panama         ?

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
DINAPI Paraguay Available with appointment Email available for specific processes Postponed until 05/31/2020 Postponed until 05/31/2020 Available in website

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
INDECOPI Peru Not Available  1. Reactivation of the online trademark registration application. This tool allows to start the process of obtaining a trademark. To access this service, you must link on the INDECOPI website "Online services" https://www.INDECOPI.gob.pe/en/servicios-en-linea/ by clicking on the service Register your Brand.
An important novelty is that the trademark granting resolutions and their respective certificates will be notified with a digital signature to the email address registered by the applicant.
2. Virtual brand orientation online Platform, that continues providing step-by-step guidance to those who are interested in registering their trademarks, (https://www.INDECOPI.gob.pe/es/web/plataforma-marcas).
3. Product classification search engine "Peruanizado" (“Peruanized”) Maintain access to the registration and management of trademarks in the current situation of national emergency and compulsory social isolation in relation to COVID-19.Through this “Peruanizado” service, users can search for the classification of a product or service whose brand is wanted to register in a completely digitalized way, immediately and free of charge(https://servicio.INDECOPI.gob.pe/appNIZAWeb/).
4. Find your brand With the service "Search your brand" (https://enlinea.INDECOPI.gob.pe/buscatumarca/), users can check online if the brand they want to register has already been registered or if it looks like one that has already been registered.
5. Online Brand Renewal. This service (https://bit.ly/2UYZg0L) allows the user to renew a registered trademark, automatically and fully digitized, in addition to obtaining a discount on the amount of the fee.
6. Industrial Gazette of Industrial Property: Free digital tool which applications for registration of distinctive signs filed online (servicio.indecopi.gob.pe/gaceta) are published for information purposes

Copyright On Line Service
1. Copyright registration on line Plattform
2. Copyright Virtual Catalogue in the public domain,This Virtual Catalogue(https://www.indecopi.gob.pe/es/catalogo-de-obras) allows users to identify literary works that are in the public domain.

Patent On Line Service
1. Patent Search, With this tool (https://bit.ly/348ckFd), users can access the available information about patents and other forms of protection registered in Peru, as well as review the status of a pending registration application with Indecopi.
2. PCT patent registration, Through the ePCT (https://bit.ly/347pNgA) electronic platform, national applicants can file and manage patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) securely and quickly.
3. UPOV Prisma System for Plant Varieties, Through the UPOV Prisma online tool (https://bit.ly/2xHjjss), national applicants can file applications for plant variety breeders' rights at the various offices of the member countries of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), facilitating the submission of application data according to the format and language of each country.
4. Identi-Pat, Virtual tool for the identification of patentable matter (https://bit.ly/3aH1TLi) It is a web application that guides, in a referential way, the detection of matter with the ability to be patented (or protected) from a short questionnaire to the user.
5. Peruvian Patent Marketplace, Virtual tool for the entry, exposure and promotion of products that use the patent system (https://bit.ly/34cvrhl), in order to increase commercial opportunities to enter the market through direct sales, licensing, strategic alliances or other business scheme, both locally and internationally.
6. WhatsApp PATENTA, Through this application (https://bit.ly/3cGghE2), inventors, representatives of national institutions, foreign organizations, among others can made consultation in a quickly and easy way from anywhere in the country and the world, information on procedures and requirements for the protection of inventions, the status of a dossier pending before the Directorate, guidance on the institution's patent promotion programs, among other aspects, through number 00 51 913458145. 
Postponed until 27/05/2020, With the exception of the Commission on Distinctive Signs that has continued to meet in a virtual way, mainly for the analysis and resolution of precautionary measures, in order to protect the rights of trademark owners who may be affected by some conduct on the market.   Available in website

IPOs by country OFFICE (on-site) On-line Application of IPRs Administrative / Legal Decisions Extension of Deadlines Updates
MIEM Uruguay Not Available  Available Available (Only procedures involving hearings are suspended until further notice) Available though limited  Available in website

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