
Conferences in Guadalajara, Mexico

Guadalajara, Mexico

Conferences in Guadalajara, Mexico

Between the 14th and 16th of May, Ricardo Ferreira, deputy project leader, participated in a series of workshops related to the protection of brands and designs. These were organized by the IP Key, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, O.A. (OEPM).

During the first day, the topic was “How to protect aesthetic creations: Industrial Design” and Ferreira spoke about the protection of industrial design within the EU. On the second day, the main subject was “Importance of brands in the internationalization of companies”, and Ferreira explained how brands are protected within the EU.

Also, intellectual property expert Ernesto Rubio, invited by the project, was in charge of presenting an overview of international brand protection during day two of the event and moderated a colloquium focused on the main theme on May 16th, as part of the final activities.

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