
Virtual Workshop on Patent Examination

Virtual Workshop on Patent Examination

IP Key Latin America (LA) brings together experts from Latin America in the ‘Virtual Workshop on patent examination: computer-implemented inventions, new technologies and trends’.

As part of the activities carried out by the IP Key LA project, and in cooperation with the European Patent Office (EPO), a virtual workshop for Latin American patent examiners will be held on October 25 and 26.

This workshop is for invited specialists and aims to deepen their knowledge in the field of computer-implemented inventions (CII). Specific topics related to new technologies and latest trends will be discussed (e.g. artificial intelligence, information presentation, graphical user interfaces, databases, games, mathematical methods and business methods).

The workshop, which will be given by EPO experts, will provide different perspectives and approaches, and is aimed at patent examiners from the invited Latin American offices.


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