
Webinar for prosecutors and agents specialised in Intellectual Property

Webinar for prosecutors and agents specialised in Intellectual Property

IP Key Latin America co-organised the ‘Webinar for prosecutors and agents specialised in Intellectual Property’ (4 May 2023), together with the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), the Intellectual Property Crime Investigation Brigade (BRIDEPI - part of the Chilean Investigative Police) and the National Chilean Prosecutor's Office.

The event was specifically focused on prosecutors and other agents who work with investigations of crimes against intellectual property in Chile. The objective of the seminar was for the participants to update and deepen their knowledge on the protection of IP, especially copyright, so that the competent authorities could deal with infringements in a more efficient and coordinated way, particularly when it is related to the digital world.

With over 100 participants (including prosecutors, investigators and agents), various topics were presented such as the IP landscape, internet crime trends in Latin America, investigative tools, forensic reports and database test packages, and in terms of international cooperation, actions that are currently being taken such as ‘Operation 404’.


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