
Virtual workshop on trade marks: position marks, three-dimensional marks and marks for virtual goods and services

Virtual workshop on trade marks: position marks, three-dimensional marks and marks for virtual goods and services

More than 300 participants joined online on 19 and 20 March to attend the Virtual Trade Marks Workshop, focusing on positional, three-dimensional and virtual goods and services marks. The online event attracted a diverse audience interested in the current IP landscape.

During the first day, the focus was on positional and three-dimensional marks, exploring the requirements for their formation, application processing and registration, as well as the criteria for their examination and valuation. Thom Clark from the Legal Department of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) shared European practice, while Latin American experts Katia Margarita Martínez Gutiérrez (CNR, El Salvador), Cynthia Medina (INDECOPI, Peru) and Mayra Ramos González (IMPI, Mexico) provided regional perspectives.

The second day continued with Liina Maks from EUIPO, addressing the processing of trademark applications and registration of trademarks for virtual goods and services, along with criteria for their examination and valuation. Practical experiences were also highlighted, providing a broader view on the application of these marks in the digital environment.

The event concluded with a question and answer session, allowing participants to interact directly with the experts and clarify doubts on the topics discussed. In summary, the workshop provided an invaluable platform for discussion and knowledge sharing on trademarks in Latin America, highlighting the importance of international collaboration on IP.

Below are the speakers' presentations from both days' sessions.


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