
Celebrating EU China IP Cooperation IP Key: Today and Tomorrow

Brussels, Belgium

Celebrating EU China IP Cooperation IP Key: Today and Tomorrow

The EC and MOFCOM, with the technical support of IP Key, successfully organised a half day event to celebrate four years of EU-China cooperation on IP under the current phase of IP Key, as well as to project the community of stakeholders into the new phase (IP key China).

In particular, the event allowed to (a) disseminate the outcomes and achievements of the IP Key Action (2013-2017) among key stakeholders, (a) debate about support for innovation and sustainable economic development in the context of the EU-China cooperation on Intellectual Property and (c) celebrate the closing of the current IP Key Action phase while launching the new project.

After key note speeches from DG TRADE, MOFCOM and the EUIPO, a panel discussion featured debates on the topic of IP & innovation in the context of the EU China Cooperation, with interventions from IP and policy experts.

During the reception a 13 minutes video produced by IP Key featured interviews to EU and Chinese leaders and experts together with main outcomes of the project, while 10 electronic panels presented facts and figures of the activities, focusing on the current 8 priorities set by the EU and China for the IP Dialogue (2015), horizontal activities and the IP Key team and services, including the databases. Alongside the electronic panels, various samples of IP Key’s deliverable were in display (events’ programs, publications, YAP).  The video can be viewed  on You tube : https://youtu.be/w6EqDwLgYGU .

For additional information please contact the coordinator of this activity Davide Follador at davide.follador@ipkey.org and for general information on IP Key Jaspal Channa at jaspal.channa@ipkey.org.

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