
Plant varieties protection: seminars and workshop

23-24/08 Lima; 27-29/08 Lima 30-31/08 Quito

Plant varieties protection: seminars and workshop

IP Key Latin America will visit Peru and Ecuador next August to promote best practices and generate awareness about the protection of plant varieties. The activities, organized with the collaboration of CPVO, UPOV, INDECOPI and SENADI will be a regional seminar of two and a half days that will take place in Lima and a two-day national seminar in Quito.

These seminars aim to sensitize policy makers on the social and economic impact of plant variety protection; enhance knowledge of Plant Varieties and its challenges; diffuse the scope and content of UPOV 1991 and increase the negotiation capacity of local stakeholders in the conclusion of license agreements. More importantly, this aims to create an international network of IP experts in PVP in the region that allows for ongoing exchange and cooperation.

Participants in the Lima and Quito seminars will be policy makers as well as local representatives of the examination authority in PVP, local breeders and the academia. Presentations will be delivered by representatives from CPVO, UPOV, INDECOPI, INIAP, INTA (Argentina), INRA (France) and SENADI, as well as local experts and stakeholders.

On the week before the event, a workshop will be conducted in Lima to promote discussions of best practices among the authorities in charge of conducting the examination of plant varieties and train technical examiners on the conduct of the examination, to bring partner countries to the same standards of IP protection. Presentations will be delivered by representatives from CPVO, UPOV, INDECOPI, GEVES as well as technical examiners of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.  

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