
Regional seminar about the Singapore treaty on the law of trademarks

Ciudad de Panamá

Regional seminar about the Singapore treaty on the law of trademarks

WIPO and the Dirección General del Registro de la Propiedad Industrial (DIGERPI) from Panamá, along with the IP Key project, will organize a seminar that will cover operational aspects, as well as, benefits and specificities of the Singapore Treaty on Trademarks Law. IP Key LA participates in the event organization showing support in promoting regional cooperation and a deeper integration in IPR procedures.

This seminar aims to generate an exchange of views about the Singapore Treaty, as well as to show a broader understanding of the international system for protection and registry of trademarks. IP Key LA will lead presentations about non-traditional trademarks in the EU, registration of trademark licenses and remedial measures in case of non-compliance with deadlines.

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