
EU and Andean Community gather negotiators of Geographical Indications in Colombia

EU and Andean Community gather negotiators of Geographical Indications in Colombia

With the support of the Andean Secretariat and the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) of Colombia, IP Key Latin America has carried out the Sub-regional Workshop on Appellations of Origin (DO) and Geographical Indications (GIs): challenges in their implementation and the possibilities of intra-Andean cooperation.

Negotiators and examiners from the Andean region met in Bogotá, Colombia, on November 29th and 30th, in an event that promoted the exchange of practices of the Andean countries, as a way to increase efficiency, predictability and transparency in the processes of registration and protection of GIs in local IP offices.

"The Andean countries have an enormous natural and cultural wealth due to their biodiversity. Part of this wealth is also part of its history and positions them in the global market with denominations of origin such as Pisco, Singani, Quinua Real del Altiplano, Cacao Arriba or Café de Colombia ", emphasized Pedro Duarte, leader of the IP Key Latin America project.

He added that "it is very important for the EU to promote the protection of GIs in the Andean Community, so that both local producers and European agro-exporters can benefit from it, limiting the imitations and usurpations of GI rights in the international markets.”

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