
IP Key LA will attend the Sub-Regional Meeting of Experts on Patents of Central American Countries and the Dominican Republic, organized by WIPO

San Jose, Costa Rica

IP Key LA will attend the Sub-Regional Meeting of Experts on Patents of Central American Countries and the Dominican Republic, organized by WIPO

The Regional Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty and the Sub-Regional Meeting of Experts on Patents of Central American Countries and the Dominican Republic for the update of the Processing Manual of Patent Applications and the strengthening of collaboration mechanism, will take place in Costa Rica and will gather IP Offices of Latin America (including Dominican Republic and Cuba).

Both events will foster discussions on the elements to be considered when updating and upgrading of the current manual and, in this context, IP Key LA will participate actively in the round tables dedicated to collaborative initiatives. The project will also act as an observer, and cooperation partner along with WIPO, EPO, and OEPM in the activities and programmes resulting from the debates and panels included in the agenda.

Specifically, IP Key LA will join the Special Session dedicated to the Examiners’ training programs, where the feasibility of designing a pilot training program for patent examiners, based on a collaborative model between donor and beneficiary offices will be discussed. IP Key’s main goal is to help improve IP administration, information collection and strategic analysis that leads to the development of a regional integration in Central America in the future.

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