EU-China Customs Cooperation on IPR Enforcement
3rd Meeting of the IPR Working Group
Workshop on "Efficient Communication between Customs and Businesses on IPR Border Enforcement"
In the context of the EU-China Customs Cooperation Action Plan (2014-2017) on IPR Enforcement, IP Key is organising the “3rd IPR Working Group Meeting” and a workshop on "Efficient Communication between Customs and Businesses on IPR Border Enforcement”.
These events will gather in Brussels from 9 to 11 June around 23 Customs officers from 13 EU Member States and 6 from the General Administration of Customs of the PRC (GACC) and local China customs together with representatives from Commission services (i.a. DG TAXUD and OLAF). Participants will debate on:
- The results of the exercise on risk analysis conducted under KA1 (follow up of the meeting held last year in Rome) and next steps;
- The proposed way forward for the exchange of data under KA2;
- The results of the KA5 activity on the export declaration system (study visit to Shanghai and Ningbo, 25-29 May 2015);
- The mid-term review of the Action Plan.
The working sessions will be complemented with a field visit to a local company in preparation of the workshop on "Efficient Communication between Customs and Businesses on IPR Border Enforcement" due to take place on 11th June.
The organisation of this workshop is also supported by IP Key. Around 30-40 representatives of industry will share views with the Customs officers and EC representatives on this important topic.
For more information on this activity, please contact Valentín Mir at
For general information on IP Key, please contact Jaspal Channa at