Right holders workshop at the EUIPO combined with a study visit to EU seaports and airports
In the framework of the support to EU-CN Customs Action Plan, IP Key China organised, in cooperation with DG TAXUD, a study visit for a Chinese delegation (5 GACC representatives and Chinese Customs Officers) to the customs facilities of important EU seaports or airports, aiming at exchanging knowledge and experience on each other’s IPR enforcement policies and practices to develop new initiatives and strengthen the actual collaboration, as part of key action 5 of the CN-EU Action Plan.
Back to this visit, IP Key China invited the Chinese delegation to the EUIPO premises for a two day meeting and exchanges:
- The EU-China Customs Working Group meeting brought together EU and Chinese customs officers of the 13 Member States involved in the Action Plan, preceded by the EU-China coordination meeting with the EU representatives;
- and to end, on the 18th October, IP Key China organised the EU-China workshop on the challenges of IP protection, in which private companies and associations had the opportunity to exchange experiences with EU and Chinese customs authorities, DG TAXUD, the Observatory and OLAF.
The objective of the workshop is to facilitate the collaboration between customs authorities and right holders. For both groups collaboration is crucial in fighting against IPR infringement. An open discussion enhanced the mutual understanding of each other’s problems, through the development of exchange of infringement risk information.
Customs authorities and the EUIPO provide help to right holders (including SMEs) to increase their understanding of customs procedures and requirements necessary to enforce their IP rights and how to access public information (info on seizures exchange, CN website for signals), which helps them to better protect their IP rights.
On the other hand, right holders had the opportunity to inform Customs Officers on their initiatives and provide them with all relevant information to improve their ability to effectively enforce IPR, including training on product information.
For further information please contact Silvia GONZÁLEZ CHANSON: Silvia.GONZALEZ-CHANSON@euipo.europa.eu