Unitary Patent System and Unified Patent Court
IP Key China with the input of the EPO has produced a Chinese communication package on the Unitary Patent System and the Unitary Patent Court. This materials are divided in three comprehensive documents that can be found in English in the EPO website:
The "Unitary Patent Guide" aims to provide companies, inventors and their representatives with an outline of the procedure involved in obtaining a Unitary Patent from the European Patent Office once it has granted a European patent on the basis of the provisions laid down in the European Patent Convention (EPC). The Guide also deals with the accessory procedures relating to Unitary Patents, such as those to be followed under the compensation scheme for translation costs or when registering a statement on licences of right, and gives an overview of the rules on how to pay renewal fees for Unitary Patents.
Flyer: Unitary Patent package – simplified and broader patent protection at a lower cost. This flyer informs in general terms about the UP system, its structure and mechanisms. It is intended for general information of the public, for instance for display at conferences or trade fairs where IP offices or other IP stakeholders have a booth, or for display on the website.
Flyer: Unitary Patent package – making Europe more attractive for innovation and investors. This flyer presents an overview of some of the most important economic aspects and arguments in favour of the new system, targeting mainly entrepreneurs and potential applicants having an interest in the financial benefit of the UP system. As the general information leaflet above, it is intended for use at trade fairs, workshops and seminars, e.g. as hand-out to participants.
- Unitary Patent Package - guide [PDF - 1.32MB] - [EN] [CN]
- Unitary Patent Package - Brochure Economics - [PDF - 0..62MB] - [EN] [CN]
- Unitary Patent Package - Brochure Prof - [PDF - 1.62MB] - [EN] [CN]