Course | Organisation | Type | Language | Duration | Theme | Programme highlights |
1000 Years at Present: Pannonhalma Archabbey | IP Key SEA | Recorded Webinar | EN | 23 min | Geographical Indications | Tamás Illés, Pannonhalma Archabbey Winery, Hungary, presents Hungary’s winemaking data and the Pannonhalma geographical indication. |
IP Key SEA |
Recorded Webinar |
EN | 26 min | Copyright |
Abbas Lightwalla, Director of Global Policy, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), discusses the use of AI in the music industry—both for production and infringement purposes—and enforcement challenges and potential solutions. |
IP Key SEA |
Recorded Webinar |
EN | 25 min | Copyright |
Sarah Quynh Tran, Head of Regional Policy and Public Affairs, International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO), addresses the impact of AI on the creative industries, the responses by governments and international organisations, and IFRRO’s perspective on AI and suggested solutions. |
Benefits of Plant Breeders' Rights to Companies in the Agri-Business |
IP Key SEA |
Recorded Webinar |
10 min |
Plant Variety Protection |
HZPC's Export Manager Enrico Bertolin explains the current challenges of food production, UPOV core values, HZPC licensing contracts in UPOV countries and the advantages of UPOV membership. |
Benefits of the EU-Viet Nam FTA Provisions on GI: DG AGRI's Perspective | IP Key SEA | Recorded Webinar | 12 min | Geographical Indications | Desk Officer for Viet Nam and Australia at DG AGRI, the European Commission, discusses from the EU perspective the protection of EU GIs in third countries through bilateral agreements and the benefits of EU-Viet Nam FTA (EVFTA) to consumers and producers | |
Benefits of the EU-Viet Nam FTA Provisions on GI: IP Viet Nam's Perspective | IP Key SEA | Recorded Webinar | 22 min | Geographical Indications | Nguyen Viet Ha, IP Viet Nam's Policy Officer, explains the country's GI provisions, administrative actions and regulation system, in parallel with their benefits and emerging challenges | |
Best Practices in the Enforcement of Geographical Indications (GIs) in the EU: The Italian Experience | IP Key SEA | Recorded Webinar | 40 min | Geographical Indications | Benedetto Ballatore from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, Italy, provided an overview of the Italian experience in protecting and enforcing GIs and establishing a successful economic model. For example, Italy's five pillars of the GI system, Italian authorities' roles in protecting GIs and conventional agro-food products and the cooperation between Italy and EU authorities. | |
Black Gold Pepper Trang Pepper: Supporting the Community and the Environment | IP Key SEA | Recorded Webinar | EN | 24 min | Geographical Indications | Kanhathai Jitmaitrecharoen, Black Gold Treasure Co., Ltd., presents the Trang Pepper geographical indication and the sustainable practice of the farmers. |
Building Up Skills and Competencies of IP Mediators | IP Key SEA | Recorded Webinar | EN | 37 min | Mediation | Goran Marjanovic, Accredited Mediator, EUIPO Mediation Centre; Luwin Dela Concha, Management Operation Officer, Alternative Dispute Resolution Services, Bureau of Legal Affairs, IPOPHL and Seconded National Expert, EUIPO Boards of Appeals. |
IP Key SEA |
Recorded Webinar |
EN | 17 min | Enforcement |
Dai Kha Quynh (Piaggio Viet Nam / EuroCham IPR Sector Committee) presents the challenges and recommendations on the protection of IP rights from the point of view of businesses. |