IP Key SEA – Phase II is the European Commission’s project to implement the objectives of the European Union (EU) in the field of intellectual property rights (IPRs) through international cooperation with the South-East Asian countries. It covers the South-East Asia (SEA) region, namely the 10 countries that are part of the ASEAN, with a focus on six main EU trading partners (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam). These include countries with Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) in force (Singapore and Vietnam), FTAs under negotiation (Indonesia) or with Intellectual Property (IP) Dialogues (Thailand).

The project is designed to support the FTA talks and IP Dialogues of the EU with its SEA trading partners. It intends to help countries address specific emerging challenges in the field of IP that also affect EU businesses and stakeholders, and which stem from policy agendas and priorities laid out by the SEA countries.

In this context, IP Key SEA acts on a bilateral level to provide technical expertise to SEA countries in developing IPR rules and regulations that are consistent with international standards and global best practices. The project establishes systems to facilitate high quality and expeditious processes for registering and effectively enforcing IPRs, and will provide support for accession to international agreements that are included in EU FTA chapters.

The project focuses on four expected results: (1) A fairer playing field for EU business in SEA through an effective support of FTA implementation, FTA negotiation and IP Dialogues; (2) Improved and modernised IP Administration services, by increasing the uptake of EU standards while improving the skills of those involved in managing IPRs; (3) Strengthened IPR Protection and Enforcement systems in SEA; and (4) Increased awareness among the general public and public authorities on the importance of IP protection and enforcement.

The project will cover all IPRs: copyright, trade marks, geographical indications, industrial designs, patents, trade secrets and plant varieties, as well as IPR enforcement, in particular civil, administrative and border enforcement.

The project has a duration of 36 months, starting on 1 April 2022.

IP Key South-East Asia – Phase II (IP Key SEA II) is the European Commission’s project to implement the objectives of the European Union (EU) in the area of intellectual property rights through international technical cooperation with the South-East Asia (SEA) countries.

Following the positive results of Phase I, the overall objective of Phase II of the project continues to be the promotion of a more level playing field for European companies operating in South-East Asia by contributing to greater transparency and effective implementation of the IPR protection and enforcement systems.

The programme is designed to support the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) talks and Intellectual Property Dialogues of the European Union with its SEA trading partners, by helping countries address specific emerging challenges in the area of IP that also affect EU businesses and stakeholders, and which stem from policy agendas and priorities laid out by the SEA countries.

In this context, IP Key SEA II acts at the bilateral level to provide technical expertise to SEA countries in developing IPR rules and regulations that are consistent with international standards and global best practices, establishing systems to facilitate high quality and expeditious processing for the registration of IP rights and their effective enforcement, and to provide support for accession to international agreements that are included in EU FTA chapters.

Pursuant to these objectives, the activities under AWP2-2023 were identified through a comprehensive consultation and coordination process with European and South-East Asia IP stakeholders, various departments and agencies of the European Commission, and the respective government agencies and IP Offices of the South-East Asia countries.

The activities included under the AWP 2 were developed in line with priorities on intellectual property rights in South-East Asia, with a comprehensive coverage of the different IPRs, and adopting a balanced geographical scope. To ensure the SEA partner countries’ ownership and acceptance of the activities and the sustainability of results, this AWP2-2023 combines both EU-driven activities and activities that are of mutual interest to both the EU and the SEA partner countries, as well as the relevant organisations and institutions in the target countries.





















Technical Expertise and Assistance for Free Trade Agreement Negotiations and IP Dialogues














Support and Assistance for the Implementation of Free Trade Agreements














Monitoring Report of the Latest Developments Related to the IP Chapters of the EUSFTA, the EVFTA, and the FTA Negotiations with Indonesia














EU Business Meetings on the IP Legal Frameworkof Vietnam














Advanced Training on Patent Search and Examination














Customised Support to SEA Countries on Geographical Indications (GIs)














Bilateral Workshops on the UPOV 1991 Act














Promotion of IP Tools














High-Level Study Visit on Geographical Indications (GIs)














Seminar on Plant Variety Rights and UPOV 1991 Act














Conference on Trade Marks in the Digital World and Modernising Trade Mark Practices














Modernising Industrial Designs: Recent Developments in the EU and SEA














Workshop on the Enhanced Detection and Identification of Counterfeit Goods














South-East Asia IP Mediation Workshop














Exchange of Good Practices to Fight the Sale of Counterfeits Online and Offline














Exchange of Best Practices on Enhanced Copyright Protection and New Digital Technologies














Monitoring Report on the Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List














Social Media Awareness-Raising Campaigns on IP Protection and Enforcement














IP Awareness-Raising Events













IP Key South-East Asia – Phase II (IP Key SEA II) is the European Commission’s project to implement the objectives of the European Union (EU) in the area of intellectual property rights through international technical cooperation with the South-East Asian (SEA) countries.

Following the positive results of Phase I, the overall objective of Phase II of the project continues to be the promotion of a more level playing field for EU companies operating in South-East Asia by contributing to greater transparency and effective implementation of the IPR protection and enforcement systems.

The programme is designed to support the bilateral trade agreement talks and intellectual property dialogues of the EU with its SEA trading partners, by helping countries address specific emerging challenges in the area of IP that also affect EU businesses and stakeholders, and which stem from policy agendas and priorities laid out by the SEA countries.

In this context, IP Key SEA II acts at the bilateral level to provide technical expertise to SEA countries in developing IPR rules and regulations that are consistent with international standards and global best practices, establishing systems to facilitate high quality and expeditious processing for the registration of IP rights and their effective enforcement, and to provide support for accession to international agreements that are included in EU bilateral trade agreements.

Pursuant to these objectives, the activities under AWP3-2024 were identified through a comprehensive consultation and coordination process with EU and South-East Asian IP stakeholders, various departments and agencies of the European Commission, and the respective government agencies and IP Offices of the South-East Asian countries.

The activities included under the AWP were developed in line with priorities relating to intellectual property rights in South-East Asia, with a comprehensive coverage of the different IPRs, and adopting a balanced geographical scope. To ensure the SEA partner countries’ ownership and acceptance of the activities and the sustainability of results, this AWP combines both EU-driven activities and activities that are of mutual interest to both the EU and the SEA partner countries, as well as the relevant organisations and institutions in the target countries.





















On-Demand Assistance for Bilateral Trade Agreement Negotiations or IP Dialogues














On-Demand Support for FTA Implementation














Monitoring Report of the Latest Developments Related to the IP Chapter of the EUSFTA, the EVFTA, and the CEPA Negotiations with Indonesia














Study on the Economic Impact of IP in the SEA Countries














Support to UPOV 1991 Accession: Benefits to Society and Promoting Sustainability














Promoting Creativity and Innovation: The Amended IP Law of Viet Nam














Best Practices in the Examination of Trade Marks and Industrial Designs in the EU














Trade Secrets in the EU and SEA














Advanced Training on Patent Search and Examination














SEA Conference on Copyright and the Creative Industries














Roving Seminars on the Trade Mark and Industrial Design Systems in the EU and SEA














EUIPN Tools and Convergence of Practices in Trade Marks and Industrial Designs














GI Exhibition and Promotion of the EU GI System














Promoting the EU GI System to Policy Makers from SEA














SEA Judicial Colloquium














SEA IP Mediation Conference














Forum on Industry Cooperation Against IP Infringements














Workshop on the Identification of Counterfeit Goods














Monitoring Report on Online Counterfeiting and Piracy in SEA














Social Media Awareness Raising Campaign on IP Protection and Enforcement














IP-Awareness Raising Events













01 - 28 Feb 2025

Promoting the EU GI System to Policy Makers from SEA

The activity is aimed at promoting the EU sui generis GI system, improving compliance with strict standards of GI control to national authorities responsible for GIs at the policy and operational levels, and expounding on the need for stronger GI control and enforcement mechanisms to further enha

14 - 15 Nov 2024

Workshop on the Identification of Counterfeit Goods

The annual workshop organised by the IP Key SEA project continues to provide a platform for the exchange of best practices between EU enforcement experts and the SEA enforcement authorities, as well as closer cooperation between IPR owners and enforcement authorities.

12 - 13 Nov 2024

Forum on Industry Cooperation Against IP Infringements

The activity continues the progressive approach adopted since Phase I of the IP Key SEA project, which advocates for the adoption of voluntary agreements or Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) between intermediaries, service providers, and IPR owners in SEA, to be implemented under the supervisio

11 - 12 Nov 2024

SEA IP Mediation Conference

This activity seeks to enhance the skills and capacities of SEA IP Mediation officials by sharing effective strategies and procedures for resolving IPR disputes through mediation.

01 - 06 Oct 2024

Geographical Indications Exhibition: Promoting Rural Development and Tourism

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), in the context of IP Key South-East Asia (IP Key SEA), an EU-funded project, in partnership with the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP), Ministry of Commerce, will organise the Geographical Indications Exhibition: Promoting Rural Dev

23 - 24 Jul 2024

SEA Conference on Copyright and the Creative Industries

This activity will discuss recent copyrights and related rights policy developments in both the EU and in the SEA countries, while opening discussions for the exchange of best practices in tackling emerging digital technologies and their implications on copyright and related rights protection and

06 Jun - Oct 2024

GI Exhibition and Promotion of the EU GI System

The exhibits organised in the different SEA countries are aimed at promoting EU GIs that are already in the various markets in SEA, as well as raising awareness on the benefits of a sui generis GI system and its positive impact on rural development and sustainability.

06 - 07 Jun 2024

Promoting Creativity and Innovation: The Amended IP Law of Viet Nam

Following the enactment of the Amended IP Law of Viet Nam, which took effect on 1 January 2023, with provisions on sound marks protection from 14 January 2023, and the protection of test data for agricultural chemicals effective on 14 January 2024, the activity organises events to promote awarene

29 - 30 Apr 2024

SEA Judicial Colloquium

The activity continues the project’s efforts to contribute to establishing a body of practice among senior SEA judges and/or prosecutors who regularly deal with intellectual property protection and enforcement issues.

17 Apr 2024

Trade Secrets in the EU and SEA

The activity entails the organisation of a webinar to promote awareness on trade secrets, focusing on their protection and enforcement, taking into account advancements in digital technology and the economic impact of misappropriation of trade secrets.

01 - 31 Mar - Dec 2024

Social Media Awareness Raising Campaign on IP Protection and Enforcement

The social media awareness raising campaigns includes content published regularly on the project’s social media channels, audio-visual materials localised for target countries and accompanying press-related actions, and content that is co-created and published by prominent online media outlets in

01 - 31 Mar - Dec 2024

IP-Awareness Raising Events

Through this activity, the IP Key SEA Phase II project continues to participate in major IPR events (such as IP Fairs, IP contests, and the World IP Day) organised by relevant stakeholders in SEA as a means of promoting increased visibility of the project and its activities, as well as to touch b

01 - 31 Jan - Dec 2024

Study on the Economic Impact of IP in the SEA Countries

Following the model and methodology adopted by the EUIPO, through the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights, in preparing the Analysis Report on IPR-intensive Industries and Economic Performance in the European Union, the study aims to provide an assessment of the

01 - 31 Jan - Dec 2024

On-Demand Assistance for Bilateral Trade Agreement Negotiations or IP Dialogues

As the IP Key SEA Phase II Action is designed to facilitate bilateral trade agreement negotiations and IP Dialogues, the project continues to provide technical expertise and assistance geared towards strengthening knowledge-based policy making in the SEA countries through the conduct of IP studie

01 - 31 Jan - Dec 2024

On-Demand Support for FTA Implementation

Following the conclusion of Free Trade Agreements with Singapore and Viet Nam, the IP Key SEA Phase II Action continues to provide support and assistance for the implementation of the IPR-related commitments undertaken by the SEA countries.

05 - 07 Dec 2023

Bilateral Workshops on the UPOV 1991 Act

This activity entails the organisation of workshops on UPOV 1991 to share technical and in-depth information with the PVP, IP, Agriculture, and Trade Offices of the SEA countries.

28 - 29 Nov 2023

South-East Asia IP Mediation Workshop

This activity aims to contribute to the continued enhancement of the mediation services available for IPR owners in the SEA countries, and will showcase EU mediation practices and procedures adopted by the EUIPO Boards of Appeal.

01 - 30 Nov 2023

Modernising Industrial Designs: Recent Developments in the EU and SEA

The activity builds upon the project’s prior initiatives on industrial designs organised within the framework of IP Key SEA Phase I and supports the need to continue discussing issues and latest developments in the area of industrial designs, including international best practices.

25 - 27 Sep 2023

EU Business Briefing on the Amended IP Law of Viet Nam

Following the recent changes of the IP legal framework in Vietnam, the activity will entail the organisation of seminars and engagement events with EU businesses and IPR owners in Vietnam in order to increase awareness and understanding of the changes under the amended IP law.


20 Jul 2023

Support to 20th Anniversary Celebration of the GI Law of Thailand

The IP Key SEA will support the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the GI Law of Thailand by participating in the GI Exhibition to be organised by the Department of Intellectual Property of Thailand. EU products with GI names will be featured at the exhibition.

08 - 09 Jul 2023

High-Level Study Visit on Geographical Indications

The activity builds upon the high-level study visits on GIs organised under Phase 1 of the IP Key SEA Project, and aims at continuing to promote the benefits of a sui generis GI system, improving compliance with strict standards of GI control to national authorities responsible for GIs at the pol

01 - 30 Jun 2023

Advanced Training on Patent Search and Examination

The activity aims to contribute to enhancing the search and examination capabilities of SEA patent examiners by sharing international and European best practices on patent prosecution.

01 - 31 May - Dec 2023

IP-Awareness Raising Events

Through this activity, the IP Key SEA Phase II project will continue to participate in major IPR events (such as IP Fairs, IP contests, and the World IP day event) organised by relevant stakeholders in SEA as a means of promoting increased visibility of the project and its activities, as well as

29 - 30 Mar 2023

Exchange of Good Practices to Fight the Sale of Counterfeits Online and Offline

The activity will continue the progressive approach adopted since Phase I of the IP Key SEA project, which advocates for the adoption of voluntary agreements or Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) between intermediaries, service providers, and IPR owners in SEA, to be implemented under the superv

01 - 31 Mar - Dec 2023

Promotion of IP Tools

The activity will focus on the provision of technical support to the integration of data from SEA countries into EUIPO Global tools so that stakeholders in the region will have access to up-to-date and accurate information on trade marks, industrial designs, and geographical indications.

01 - 31 Mar - Dec 2023

Promotion of IP Tools

The activity will focus on the provision of technical support to the integration of data from SEA countries into EUIPO Global tools so that stakeholders in the region will have access to up-to-date and accurate information on trade marks, industrial designs, and geographical indications.

30 - 01 Nov - Dec 2022
Kuala Lumpur

Workshop on Border Control and IPR Enforcement in Malaysia and EU Business Talk

This activity brings together representatives from the Royal Malaysian Customs Department, the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO), and other government agencies related to IPR customs enforcement, as well as experts from the European Union to share best practices on border cont

01 - 31 Aug - Dec 2022

Monitoring report on the Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List

The activity aims to raise awareness on IP protection and enforcement by supporting the monitoring of developments in the SEA countries in relation to the online and physical marketplaces that are identified in the EC Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List (available at

01 - 31 Jun - Dec 2022

IP Awareness Raising Events

This activity entails the participation of IP Key SEA Phase II project to  major IPR events (IP Fairs, IP contests, the World IP day) organised by relevant stakeholders, to promote the importance of IPRs in the SEA region from an EU perspective. 


01 - 31 Jun - Dec 2022

On-Demand support related to FTA negotiations and IP Dialogues

As the IP Key SEA Action is designed to facilitate FTA negotiations and IP Dialogues, the project will provide technical expertise and assistance geared towards strengthening knowledge-based policy making in SEA countries through the conduct of IP studies and other form

01 - 31 Jun - Dec 2022

Promotion of IP Tools

The activity will focus on the promotion of integration of data from SEA countries into EU IP tools in order to meet EU standards in the region (such as TMview, DesignView and TMclass), promotion of GIview, taking advantage of the workshop on GIs, as well as on IP enforcement tools aimed to assis

25 Feb 2022
Viet Nam

Trainings on Viet Nam’s Trade Mark Guidelines

As a follow-up initiative to the support provided by IP Key SEA on the drafting of trade mark guidelines, a ‘Training on Viet Nam's Trade Mark Examination Guidelines’ will be organised on 25 February 2022 to clarify any queries the users may have regarding the guidelines.

24 - 28 Feb 2022
Indonesia and the Philippines

Technical meetings with Examiners on the Trade Mark Guidelines

As a follow-up to the support provided by IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) Project on the drafting of trade mark guidelines, the project will organise virtual technical meetings with Trade Mark Examiners of Indonesia, the Philippines, Viet Nam and Thailand on 24, 25 and 28 February 2022.

02 Feb 2022
Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Thailand

Support to Strengthen the GI Systems of SEA Countries

The IP Key South-East Asia project invited the Brunei Darussalam Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) stakeholders to the “Workshop on Geographical Indications for Brunei Darussalam”, as part of the technical support provided to SEA Countries in the enhancement of the GI system.

18 Jan 2022

Support to the Accession of SEA Countries to the UPOV 1991 Convention

The activity sought to promote UPOV 1991 accession of countries in SEA by supporting the creation of a regional platform that would reduce the administrative burden for EU breeders to apply for protection of their PVRs and improve the registration procedures in the participating countries.

17 Jan 2022

Webinar on Plant Variety Protection and UPOV 1991

IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) Project, in collaboration with the Community Plant Variety Protection Office (CPVO), organised the ‘Webinar on Plant Variety Protection and UPOV 1991’ on Monday, 17 January 2022.

02 - 03 Dec 2021

South-East Asia Conference on Collective Rights Management

IP Key SEA hosted ‘South-East Asia Conference on Collective Rights Management’ on 2 and 3 December 2021. The conference aimed to establish a platform of cooperation between the collective rights management organisations (CMOs) of the EU and national CMOs operating in the SEA countries.

29 - 16 Nov - Dec 2021

Workshop on Advanced Prosecution for Patent Examiners in Malaysia and Indonesia

‘Workshops on Advanced Prosecution for Patent Examiners’ were implemented in partnership with the European Patent Office (EPO) sought to continue sharing with the SEA patent offices the European best practices, procedures, tools, and databases in the prosecution of patent applications, to enable

01 - 31 Sep - Mar 2021

On-Demand Assistance for FTA Negotiations or IP Dialogue

As the IP Key SEA Action is designed to facilitate FTA negotiations and IP Dialogues, the project will provide technical expertise and assistance geared towards strengthening knowledge-based policy making in SEA countries through the conduct of IP studies and other forms of assistance as may be n

01 - 31 Sep - Mar 2021

On-Demand Support for FTA Implementation

Following the conclusion of Free Trade Agreements with Singapore and Viet Nam, the IP Key SEA Action will provide support and assistance for the implementation of the IPR-related commitments undertaken by the SEA countries.

30 - 01 Jun - Jul 2021
South-East Asia

Workshop on IPR Customs Enforcement: Risk Indicators, Trends and Issues in SEA

On 30 June and 1 July 2021, IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) Project hosted a ‘Workshop on IPR Customs Enforcement: Risk Indicators, Trends and Issues in SEA.’ This activity sought to contribute to improving the capacities of IP and customs authorities in the SEA countries,

28 - 29 Jun 2021
South-East Asia

Webinar on Counterfeit Medicines, Medical Devices and Protective Equipment

On 28 and 29 June 2021, the IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) Project organised a webinar on ‘Combatting Counterfeit Medicines, Medical Devices and Protective Equipment.’ The webinar highlighted the dangers and, at times, fatal risks posed by counterfeit medicines, medical d

18 - 28 Jun 2021

IP Key SEA Enforcement Series 2021

Intellectual Property Right (IPR) enforcement requires the cooperation and close collaboration of multiple stakeholders to effectively combat IPR infringements in the physical and online environment.

17 - 18 Jun 2021
South-East Asia

Legal Training on UPOV 1991

IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) Project organised a ‘Legal Training on UPOV 1991’ on 17 and 18 June 2021. Plant variety protection and intellectual property officials underwent a training on the legal provisions of the UPOV 1991 Convention.

12 - 16 Apr - Jun 2021

Workshops on Advanced Patent Search and Examination

In 2021, IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) invited senior patent examiners from the patent offices of Malaysia (12 16 April), Indonesia (3 7 May), Vietnam (7 9 June), and Thailand (14 16 June) to attend the ‘Workshop on Advanced Patent Search and Examination’ organised by the project in collaboration

26 Mar 2021
South-East Asia

Webinar on Trade Secrets

To underline the importance of trade secrets as a form of intellectual property rights and the benefits businesses can gain from having their trade secrets protected, IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) organised the ‘Webinar on Trade Secrets’ on 26 March 2021.

01 - 31 Jan - Jul 2021
South-East Asia

Integration in TMview, DesignView and TMclass

This activity supports the integration of SEA IP offices in the EUIPO global databases, which assure the accessibility of updated information on trade marks (TMview) and industrial designs (DesignView) for the benefit of IP stakeholders worldwide.

01 - 02 Dec 2020

Webinar Series on Industrial Designs

To conclude the intellectual property webinar series organised by the IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) in 2020, two webinars on industrial designs were held on 1 and 2 December 2020.

25 Nov 2020

Webinar on Geographical Indications: Protecting and Enforcing GIs

As a follow-up to the Webinar Series on Geographical Indications (GIs) in July 2020, the IP Key SEA organised a third webinar on 25 November focusing on issues on the enforcement of GIs in SEA in the physical and online markets, including the need to for adequate enforcement mechanisms that suppo

12 - 23 Nov 2020

Webinar Series on Plant Variety Protection

Plant variety protection and accession to the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV 1991) are important elements of trade agreements negotiated by the EU.

01 - 30 Nov 2020
South-East Asia

Support to the Creation of a PVR system in SEA

To further support the development of the plant variety rights (PVR) protection systems in the SEA countries, IP Key SEA will provide the pilot project with the support it needs to be able to create a regional platform that would reduce the administrative burden for breeders when applying for pro

28 - 29 Oct 2020

South-East Asia Judges’ Colloquium on Intellectual Property Rights

On 28 and 29 October 2020, senior judges from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam handling IP cases were invited to the South-East Asia Judges’ Colloquium on Intellectual Property Rights organised by IP Key SEA.

16 Oct 2020

Workshop on Quality Patent Examination

In 2020, the Workshop on Quality Patent Examination took place online on 17-19 June (Thailand), 1-2 July (Vietnam), 23-25 September (Malaysia) and 12-14 October (Indonesia).

06 - 07 Oct 2020

South-East Asia Judges’ Roundtable on Intellectual Property Rights

The South-East Asia Judges’ Virtual Roundtable took place on 6 and 7 October 2020. The two-day online event organized by IP Key SEA included sessions on the role of judges, the internet environment for the judiciary, and other key issues concerning IPR judicial enforcement.

01 - 31 Oct 2020

Technical Meeting on the Development of the Patent System in Indonesia

IP Key SEA will continue the cooperation and engagement between the Indonesia patent authorities and their EU trade and patent counterparts, in order to continue the discussions and provide technical support in order to ensure continued market access for innovative technologies and inventions in

09 - 21 Jul 2020

Webinars on geographical indications

IP Key SEA organises a series of webinars on geographical indication (GI) protection in the EU and international trade agreements and control of GIs and protection in the market .  

15 - 09 Jun - Oct 2020

Workshop on Advanced and Efficient Patent Search for Examiners

To improve the SEA patent examiners’ search capabilities and promote consistency between the search result of European and SEA patent examiners, IP Key SEA, in collaboration with the European Patent Office (EPO), organised in 2020 online workshops on efficient search tools and practices on 15-16

01 - 31 Feb - Dec 2020
South-East Asia

Integration in TMview and DesignView

IP Key SEA supports the integration of SEA IP Offices in the EUIPO global databases, which ensure that information on trade marks (TMview) and industrial designs (DesignView) is accessible and updated for the benefit of EU and other IP stakeholders worldwide.

01 - 31 Feb - Dec 2020
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand

IP Key SEA works with SEA officials in the trade mark examination guidelines

Throughout the year 2020, the IP Key SEA legal experts will collaborate with the trade mark officials of the three offices, namely the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of Indonesia (DGIP), the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), and the Department of Intellectual

01 - 31 Feb - Dec 2020
South-East Asia

Integration in TMClass

IP Key SEA will assess the feasibility of integrating Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam into TMclass and will entail technical coordination with these countries in the integration process.

15 - 16 Oct 2019
Bangkok, Thailand

IPKey SEA Conference on Trade marks

EU and Southeast Asian trade mark experts from the public and private sectors convened in Bangkok, Thailand, on 15-16 October at the IP Key SEA Conference on trade marks.

09 - 10 Oct 2019
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Second Regional Meeting on Train the Trainers Programme

Following the meeting held in Manila, Philippines on 10-11 June 2019, this 2nd Regional Meeting on the Development of an ASEAN Training Programme for AMS IPO Patent Examiners will continue the development and implementation of a SEA Patent Examiner Coaching Programme where SEA IP Offices conducti

23 - 27 Sep 2019
France, Netherlands, Belgium

High-Level Study visit on Plant Variety Protection and UPOV 1991

The High-Level Study Visit will consist of a half day seminar focusing on the benefits of membership in the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV 1991), the advantages of the EU Community Plant Variety Rights (CPVR) system under the UPOV 1991 Act, and the ex

09 - 19 Sep 2019
Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur

IPKey SEA IP Enforcement Week 2019

On 9 to 19 September 2019, IP Key Southeast Asia is organizing the IP Enforcement Week 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand with a series of events geared towards IP policy-makers, IP officials, law enforcement authorities, IP stakeholders, and businesses in Southeast Asia.

12 - 16 Aug 2019
Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Support for the Drafting of the Trademark Examination Guidelines of IP Viet Nam

The IP Key Southeast Asia (SEA) Project has been providing technical expertise in  support to the drafting of the Trademark Examination Guidelines of the Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam (IP Viet Nam).  Trademark experts were dispatched by the IP Key SEA Project to IP Viet Nam in February

29 - 31 May 2019
Alicante, Spain

Southeast Asian officials to join EUIPO IP Mediation Conference

IP Key SEA has supported officials from the national IP offices of South-East Asia to attend the EUIPO IP Mediation Conference in Alicante, Spain, which took place on 30-31 May 2019. The conference allowed the participants to learn more on the cutting-edge practices in the field of IP mediation.

02 - 05 Apr 2019
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Workshop to tackle trade in counterfeit goods in SE Asia

The IP Key SEA team contributed to the ‘Workshop on Trade in Counterfeit Food, Beverages, Cosmetics, and Fast Moving Consumer Goods’ in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, on 2-5 April.

29 Mar 2019
South East Asia

IP Key SEA Annual Work Plan 2-2019

The Project Management Board (PMB) of the IP Key Southeast Asia (SEA) Project adopted the Second Annual Work Plan (AWP2-2019) on 21 December 2018.

20 - 21 Feb 2019

Meeting on Southeast Asia-Europe Enhanced Patent Data Exchange

IP Key SEA and the European Patent Office (EPO) organised a meeting with IT officials and managers from the IP Offices of Southeast Asia (SEA) in Bangkok on 20-21 February to discuss data sharing mechanisms between the SEA IP Offices and the EPO.

08 - 09 Nov 2018
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

International plant variety protection benefits

High-level officials from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Viet Nam attended an IP Key SEA conference in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on 8-9 November to discuss plant variety protection (PVP) within the international framework.

30 - 01 Oct - Nov 2018
Bangkok, Thailand

ASEAN IP officials to discuss potential regional IP academy

Representatives from each of the ASEAN IP offices and ARISE+ IPR experts will attend a kick-off meeting in Bangkok on 30-31 October to discuss a feasibility study on the possible establishment of a regional ASEAN IP academy.

24 Oct 2018

EU and local experts discuss Indonesian Patent Law

A roundtable dialogue between EU and Indonesian experts was held in Jakarta on 24 October to discuss recent developments in relation to the new patent law of Indonesia, and share international best practices on patent examination procedures.

19 Oct 2018

Leaflet on Geographical Indications covered by the EUSFTA

IP Key SEA contributed to the high level event organized by the EU Delegation to Singapore on the occasion of the signature of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (November 2018) with the production of a leaflet on Geographical Indications covered by the EUSFTA.

21 - 23 Aug 2018

Workshop tackles online piracy and trade in counterfeit goods

The IP Key SEA team collaborated with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) in conducting the ‘Workshop on Criminal Enforcement Against Online Trade in Pirated Content and Counterfeit Goods’ in Bangkok starting on 21 August.

13 - 03 Jun - Sep 2018

New study on GIs in Vietnam

IP Key SEA is commissioning a study on accountable controls and supervision mechanisms to guarantee an efficient and reliable implementation and enforcement of a geographical indications system in Vietnam.

24 - 25 Apr 2018
Manila (Philippines)

IP Key SEA hosts colloquium for the Philippine judiciary

A roundtable discussion for judges, court attorneys, and academics to share best practices on intellectual property (IP) was held in Manila on 24-25 April 2018.  The ‘Colloquium on Intellectual Property for the Judiciary’ saw an opportunity for local, regional, and international

02 Apr 2018

IP Key SEA official launch

IP Key SEA officially launched in Bangkok on the 2nd of April, during an event attended by Mr Antonio Campinos, EUIPO Executive Director, Ms Chutima Bunyapraphasara, Deputy Minister of Commerce of Thailand, Mr Pirkka Tapiola, EU Ambassador to Thailand , representatives of the European Union Membe

09 - 10 Nov 2017

Fact-finding mission

A second fact-finding mission has been carried out in the Philippines between 9-10 November 2017.

18 - 26 Oct 2017
Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia

Fact-finding mission

The fact-finding mission carried out between 18-26 October 2017 in Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia allowed for liaising with key stakeholders, including EU Delegations in the countries visited, EU trade and business representatives, line Ministries and IP Offices and other relevant stakeholders.