High Level Virtual Conference on Geographical Indications
On 18 November 2020, GI Experts from the EU engaged in discussions with senior officials from South-East Asian IP Offices in the ‘High Level Virtual Conference on Geographical Indications (GIs)’.
The activity was organised by IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) to promote the benefits of a sui generis GI system to local communities and rural development, as well as the need for effective control and enforcement mechanisms in ensuring the quality of GIs on the market for the benefit of the consuming public.
GI experts from the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Commission (DG AGRI), the Organization for an International Geographical Indications Network (oriGIn), and the Department of Intellectual Property of Cambodia have made presentations along with representatives of GI holders' associations from France. Producers/representatives of producers from the EU and SEA also shared best practices in the control, marketing, and enforcement of GIs.
- Nicolas Dandois - The Geographical Indications System in the European Union [PDF - 2.2MB] [EN]
- Benedetto Francesco Ballatore - Overview of Control of GIs and its Importance in the EU [PDF - 5.1MB] [EN]
- Massimo Vittori - Role of GI Protection and Enforcement in Rural Community Development [PDF - 0.7MB] [EN]
- APROSELA (France) - Protection, Control, Marketing, and Enforcement of GIs [PDF - 2.2MB] [EN]
- Lao Reasey - The Kampot Pepper Experience: Protection, Control, Marketing, and Enforcement [PDF - 0.5MB] [EN]
- Claire Guillard - GI Responsible for the GI Organization of Pruneau d’Agen (France) [PDF - 0.9MB] [EN]