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Landmark agreement will protect 100 European Geographical Indications in China

Today, the EU and China concluded the negotiations on a bilateral agreement to protect 100 European Geographical indications (GI) in China and 100 Chinese GI in the EU against imitations and usurpation. This landmark agreement is expected to result in reciprocal trade benefits and demand for high-quality products on both sides.

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Argentina joins TMclass and Peru joins DesignClass

As of 04 November 2019, the National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina (INPI) is part of TMclass. INPI will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database (HDB) in TMclass.

Also on 04 November 2019, the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property of Peru (INDECOPI) will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) DesignClass.

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Geneva, Switzerland

IP Key LA gathered Heads of IP Offices for a high-level encounter alongside the WIPO GA in Geneva

Designed for Heads of IP Offices – from both the EU and Latin America – the activity provided a forum for information exchange. The idea was to create synergy among the IP offices, share experiences and collect information from the heads of Latin American IP offices, who are closely involved in developing IP Key LA activities.

Alongside the WIPO General Assemblies in Geneva, this high-level encounter provided a golden opportunity to gather face-to-face feedback on the IP Key project from crucial stakeholders in Latin America.

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