EUIPO activities towards Promoting Sustainability and Economic Development Through Plant Variety Protection in South-east Asia
The EUIPO organised a 3-day event in Bangkok, in the context of the IP Key South-East Asia (IP Key SEA) project, aimed at raising awareness on plant variety protection and the benefits of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) 1991 Act in Thailand. This international treaty promotes the development of new plant varieties.
The objectives of the event were to underscore the economic and sustainability aspects of plant variety protection and clarify misconceptions surrounding the UPOV 1991 Act.
The event was organised in collaboration with the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), the Plant Varieties Protection Office of the Department of Agriculture, with support from the Thai Seed Trade Association (THASTA). and the Thai office of East-West Seed.
The event began with a public seminar on 19 August 2024, attracting more than 100 participants, both in-person and online. The majority of attendees included national authorities, plant breeders and farmers, and civil society representatives, from Thailand and other countries.
During the second and third days of the event, on 20 and 21 August 2024, closed workshops provided Thai farmers, breeders, civil society organisations and academia with the opportunity to discuss the UPOV 1991 Act and have their concerns addressed. Participants gained a better understanding of the Act’s benefits in various aspects, and issues related to the UPOV 1991 Act were covered.
This is one of the activities planned by the EUIPO to be implemented in this area in 2024 and further initiatives will follow in the region.
- The Role of UPOV and its Impact on Promoting Plant Variety Protection for Development - Yolanda Huerta - EN [PDF - 2.8MB]
- Plant Breeders’ Perspective on Plant Variety Protection - Boonyanath Nathwong - EN [PDF - 0.3MB]
- UPOV 1991 Convention as a Tool to Achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Yolanda Huerta - EN [PDF - 3.1MB]
- The Contribution of the CPVR System to the EU Economy and Environment - Francesco Mattina - EN [PDF - 3.2MB]
- Experiences of UPOV 1991 Members – Vietnam - Nguyen Thanh Minh - EN [PDF - 4.7MB]
- Experiences of UPOV 1991 Members – Japan - Minori Hagiwara - EN [PDF - 2.4MB]
- Experiences of UPOV 1991 Members – EU - Niels Louwaars - EN [PDF - 1.1MB]
- Experiences of UPOV 1991 Members – EU - Thor Gunnar Kofoed - EN [PDF - 1.9MB]