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South-East Asia

IP-Awareness Raising Events

Through this activity, the IP Key SEA Phase II project continues to participate in major IPR events (such as IP Fairs, IP contests, and the World IP Day) organised by relevant stakeholders in SEA as a means of promoting increased visibility of the project and its activities, as well as to touch base with the project’s stakeholders and cooperation partners.

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Social Media Awareness Raising Campaign on IP Protection and Enforcement

The social media awareness raising campaigns includes content published regularly on the project’s social media channels, audio-visual materials localised for target countries and accompanying press-related actions, and content that is co-created and published by prominent online media outlets in SEA countries in local languages.


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Workshop on the Identification of Counterfeit Goods

The annual workshop organised by the IP Key SEA project continues to provide a platform for the exchange of best practices between EU enforcement experts and the SEA enforcement authorities, as well as closer cooperation between IPR owners and enforcement authorities. The workshop features sessions on the topic of IP infringements and its links with organised crimes, as well as the importance of cross-border exchange and cooperation between IPR enforcement officials.


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Forum on Industry Cooperation Against IP Infringements

The activity continues the progressive approach adopted since Phase I of the IP Key SEA project, which advocates for the adoption of voluntary agreements or Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) between intermediaries, service providers, and IPR owners in SEA, to be implemented under the supervision of the respective national IP authorities as a means of reinforcing the fight against counterfeiting and piracy in both online and offline environments.


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SEA IP Mediation Conference

This activity seeks to enhance the skills and capacities of SEA IP Mediation officials by sharing effective strategies and procedures for resolving IPR disputes through mediation. This benefits EU businesses as the efficiency and accessibility of IP mediation proceedings in the SEA countries is enhanced, providing a feasible alternative to costly and drawn-out litigation.


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