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South-East Asia


Workshop tackles online piracy and trade in counterfeit goods

The IP Key SEA team collaborated with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) in conducting the ‘Workshop on Criminal Enforcement Against Online Trade in Pirated Content and Counterfeit Goods’ in Bangkok starting on 21 August. The three-day workshop focused on practical implementation of national policies in the area of IP enforcement in the online environment. 

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DIP charity marathon highlights IP piracy prevention in Thailand

The ARISE + IPR and IP Key SEA programmes were pleased to support the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) ‘Stop Piracy’ Mini Marathon held in Bangkok on 19 August. The ARISE + IPR and IP Key SEA teams joined colleagues from the DIP and over 2,500 participants for a 5am start to the event. The marathon consisted of both 3km and 10km circuits.

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Trademarks and industrial designs benefit IP officials and local businesses

Between 10-15 August, the IP Key SEA team organized a series of seminars on trademarks and industrial designs for stakeholders in three ASEAN Member States. ‘The Roving Seminar for IP Officials on the Registration and Enforcement of Trademarks and Industrial Designs’ was held in Indonesia and Thailand, while the ‘Roving Seminar on EU Trademarks and Community Designs for EU and Southeast Asian Companies’ took place in Thailand and Viet Nam.

Viet Nam

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Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam

Trademarks and industrial designs to benefit IP officials and local businesses

Between 10-15 August, the IP Key SEA team organised a series of seminars on trademarks and industrial designs for stakeholders in three ASEAN Member States. ‘The Roving Seminar for IP Officials on the Registration and Enforcement of Trademarks and Industrial Designs’ was held in Indonesia and Thailand, while the ‘Roving Seminar on EU Trademarks and Community Designs for EU and Southeast Asian Companies’ took place in Thailand and Viet Nam.

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Trademarks and industrial designs to benefit IP officials and local businesses

Between 10-15 August, the IP Key SEA team will organize a series of seminars on trademarks and industrial designs for stakeholders in three ASEAN Member States. ‘The Roving Seminar for IP Officials on the Registration and Enforcement of Trademarks and Industrial Designs’ will be held in Indonesia and Thailand, while the ‘Roving Seminar on EU Trademarks and Community Designs for EU and Southeast Asian Companies’ will take place in Thailand and Viet Nam.

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EPO and EUIPO support the development of IP Academies in Malaysia and the Philippines

The European Patent Office (EPO) and European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) welcomed their counterparts, representing the Malaysian (MyIPO) and Philippine (IPOPHL) IP Offices, between 12-13 July in Munich and 16-17 July 2018 in Alicante. During the forum, discussions on how to further develop the IP Academies were held. The event aimed to establish stronger links and knowledge sharing between the participating institutions and the EUIPO and EPO Academies.

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IP Key SEA and ARISE + IPR at IP Fair 2018 ‘IP: Powering Change’

The IP Key SEA and ARISE + IPR teams and experts were present at IP Fair 2018 at BITEC in Bangkok on 6-8 July providing hands-on training on IT tools (ASEAN TMview, ASEAN Designview, GI Database and ASEAN TMclass). Information and expertise on intellectual property (IP) was also shared with participants during the exhibition from a dedicated booth.

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Best practices for IP enforcement discussed in EU roundtable for Southeast Asia judiciary

From 4 to 6 July 2018, the EUIPO welcomed key members of the judiciary from Southeast Asia for a roundtable organised by IPKey SEA on IP enforcement measures. Counting on the presence of expert judges in charge of IP cases before national courts, the roundtable brought together an impressive roster of jurists who are envisioned to work towards significantly improving the effectiveness of IP enforcement in their respective countries.

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Alicante, Spain

EU and Southeast Asia judges share intellectual property enforcement expertise Roundtable

IP enforcement measures for key members of the judiciary from Southeast Asian countries was discussed during a roundtable taking place this week in Alicante. The activity aimed to highlight international best practices in IP judicial enforcement and discuss common issues and challenges being faced by national courts in the adjudication of IP cases. The topics and practices discussed included the international IP framework, special rules of procedure for IP cases, legal remedies, provisional and precautionary measures, and jurisdictional issues.

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