Training of Chinese experts at the CPVO
IP Key China together with the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (MOARA) , the State Forestry and Grassland Administration of China (SGFA) and the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) organised a training to four Chinese experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Development Center of Science and Technology (MOA-DCST), on 25 to 29 of June.
The training consisted of two parts, a four day training at CPVO Headquarters in Angers, included a visit to GEVES, which is one of the examination offices carrying out technical work on behalf of the CPVO, and afterwards one day training at the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) in Geneva.
The training at CPVO addressed different aspects of the registration of plant varieties, such as on-line application, administration of applications, database demonstration, denominations, communication and transparency, etc. This was a good opportunity for the participants to work on a practical case study.
To end, in Geneva, UPOV presented an overview of developments in UPOV and in China, UPOV training and assistance strategy in China, as well as an update on UPOV PRISMA application tool and on the experience of China using the tool.
The objectives of this activity were to strengthen skills and knowledge of the Plant Variety Rights procedure aspects and to promote EU best practices, as well as to reinforce information-sharing among EU and Chinese authorities.