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The EUIPO participates at the 2024 Global Geographical Indications Products Expo (GIPE)

The EUIPO participates at the 2024 Global Geographical Indications Products Expo (GIPE)

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) attended the GI Law and Intellectual Property Forum as part of the EU-funded IP Key China project delivering a presentation on geographical indications for craft and industrial products in the European Union. The Forum was organised under the Global 2024 Geographical Indications Products Expo (GIPE), which took place from 20-22 September in Luzhou, Sichuan province, China.

The EUIPO is an international registration authority as the Office was recently entrusted with managing the registration of craft and industrial GIs at EU level. The first applications can be filed from December 2025.

Leveraging the signing of the ‘China-EU Geographical Indication Protection and Cooperation Agreement,’ the GIPE 2024 served as the perfect platform to facilitate the trade of geographical indication products, the exchange of technology and information, and the promotion of investment.

Under its strategic objectives, EUIPO aims to promote EU Policies on trade, intellectual property and innovation in order to boost them internationally.


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