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IP Policies, Legal Framework and Enforcement Practices in the EU: Chinese Inter-Ministerial Visit

Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany

IP Policies, Legal Framework and Enforcement Practices in the EU: Chinese Inter-Ministerial Visit

The EU and China have maintained close and effective dialogue on intellectual property with fruitful results achieved and commitment made to continue carrying out the IP Key Project. In order to deepen mutual understanding on IP protection, extensive exchanges are necessary with relevance to IP related policies, the legislative framework and enforcement of IP rights.  Today’s globalised and digital economies are reshaping the world. China and the EU both realise that it is imperative to continue deepening the dialogue on IP to tackle common challenges and to stimulate innovation in the search for effective and durable solutions.

The Chinese side has suggested that, at times, there may be issues which one side may have difficulties in comprehending due to the lack of systematic knowledge towards each other’s IP institutional, legislative and enforcement systems. Therefore, it was suggested that a comprehensive exchange be organized so as to contribute to a better contacts and awareness in this regard. Such exchanges are expected to further strengthen the foundations of dialogue platforms and mechanism in place and take the process forward to explore new cooperation instruments to deepen EU-China Partnership. 

This visit aims at providing a unique platform for the Chinese and EU delegates to engage into an open dialogue to providing overviews of each other’s IP architecture and functions. Chinese delegates will capture the features of the EU (incl. MS) IP landscape whilst providing an opportunity for EU policy-makers and industry stakeholders to understand China’s latest development on IP protection and clarify issues of mutual concern.

The Chinese delegation is composed of officials from 8 IP related agencies, judges from the Supreme People’s Court and specialised IP Courts, procurator from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate as well as academia. The Chinese policy-makers will meet with the principal EU legislative institutions (incl. representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council) as well as the General Court, European Court of Justice, OHIM and the EPO.

This visit will coincide with the flagship event commemorating the 10th Anniversary of EU-China IP Dialogue taking place in the margin of the EU-China Summit on 29 June in Brussels.

For more information on this activity contact Benoit Misonne (

For general information on IP Key please contact Jaspal Channa (

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