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Roundtable on Copyright Protection and Development of Copyright Industries


Roundtable on Copyright Protection and Development of Copyright Industries

IP Key and the National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC) will be co-hosting a roundtableon emerging issues relevant to the protection of copyrights in the digital environment and the development of a prosperous and balanced digital market for cultural and creative industries. The roundtable, which is to take place on 2 December 2015 in Shanghai, will serve as a platform for Chinese and European government agencies, courts, industry associations, collective management organisations and academia to discuss the legislative updates, licensing models as well as copyright enforcements in the digital era.

The tentative agenda is set as follows:

Morning Session

0900       Opening remarks

Session 1 - Open issues arising from the 3rd revision (and of relevance to the revision of secondary legislation)

0910 Keynote speech on the status of the 3rd revision of the Chinese Copyright Law (NCAC)
1030 Tea break
1045 Resale rights
1115 Private copying levy
1145 Orphan works and out of print works
1215 Further discussions on other areas of interest
1230 Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

Session 2 - Licensing mechanisms and Impact of technology development to Copyright Industry

1400 Latest development on licensing
1515 Tea break

Session 3 - Enforcement of copyrights (with a particular emphasis on digital era)

15:30 Latest updates on ISP liability
1630 Procedural aspects: burden of proof, current amount of infringing compensation
1730 Further discussions on other areas of interest
1800 Closing remarks

For more information on this activity contact Benoit Misonne, for general information on IP Key please contact .

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