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Seminar on feasibility of China’s accession to UPOV ‘91


Seminar on feasibility of China’s accession to UPOV ‘91

Seminar on the study of UPOV ‘91’s impact on the development of agriculture and forestry in China

IP Key, China’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), and China’s State Forestry Administration (SFA) held a “Seminar on the study of UPOV ‘91’s impact on the development of agriculture and forestry in China” on April 13th 2017 in Beijing. The seminar involved 50 experts, including the President of the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO); the Vice Secretary General from UPOV; senior officials from MoA, SFA, and DG Trade/the European Commission; Chinese academics; as well as representatives from EU and Chinese industry. The seminar succeeded in meeting its two objectives: to allow the Chinese academics and Chinese government researchers that have worked on a confidential study (on the potential impacts of China’s accession to UPOV '91) for one year under the framework of IP Key to present that study, and to provide a chance for key stakeholders to discuss the findings of the study and related topics. Concrete steps that would help China potentially accede to UPOV ’91 in the longer-term were discussed and agreed upon in principle.

The PPTs from the seminar that were approved to be shared, and the seminar agenda, are available for download at the right-hand-side of this webpage.

This activity follows on from the Study Visit to Europe to investigate the feasibility of China’s accession to UPOV ’91 held in July 2016.

Activity contact: Dan Prud’homme (

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