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Legislation Seminar: Plant Variety Rights Amendments

Legislation Seminar: Plant Variety Rights Amendments

IP Key China, in partnership with the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), the Development Center of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (DCST, MARA) and the Plant Variety Right Protection Office of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (PVPO, NFGA) of China, held an online Seminar on the Amendments to the Legislation on Plant Variety Rights on 6 May 2022.

The speakers focused on the latest legislative updates in plant variety rights domestically and internationally. Experts from the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) shared the progress of explanatory notes on Essentially Derived Varieties (EDV) while the CPVO illustrated the current practices in the EU. Speakers from MARA and the NFGA introduced the latest amendments in the agricultural and forestry legislation, respectively. More than 100 EU and Chinese officials from different regions and practitioners had the opportunity to exchange views during the Q/A session.

Over the years, with the continuous support of IP Key China, the EU and China have maintained sound cooperation in the protection of plant variety rights . In 2021, IP Key China hosted Plant Variety Rights Online Technical Training and then held a Plant Variety Protection Awareness Raising Seminar. Both events were well received by the EU and Chinese stakeholders.

For more IP activities and information, please stay tuned to IP Key China.



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