
IP Key Latin America introduces final project work plan

IP Key Latin America introduces final project work plan

IP Key Latin America (LA) is an EU project directed and funded by the European Commission and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office. It started in 1 September 2017 with a duration of 4 years.

The project was designed to support European Union (EU) interests in the region, by helping the LA countries address selected emerging intellectual property (IP) challenges. Due to its historical, cultural and economic ties with LA, the EU maintains close cooperation and political dialogue with the region as its second trading partner behind the United States.

After three successful years, the fourth and final Annual Work Plan (AWP4 - 2021)* contains 16 activities addressing a wide range of intellectual property rights (IPRs), designed in collaboration with regional and European stakeholders. These activities have been adapted to the current COVID 19 global health crisis by concentrating on online activities, studies and videos. In this sense, the AWP4 - 2021 is seen as an opportunity to dedicate more resources to the creation of these types of materials, which are great value and will provide the basis for subsequent actions.

The majority of the 2021 activities have subregional coverage, thanks to the possibility of using new technologies, such as teleconferencing and videoconferencing. These will promote best practices in trade marks and designs, geographical indications, patents and plant varieties, as well as highlighting the need for more effective enforcement in the LA region. Finally, IP Key LA will continue to raise public awareness of the importance of IP and the significant negative impact of IPR infringement.

Find more information on the Annual Work Plan 2021.


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