
IP Key LA to finish Phase 1

IP Key LA to finish Phase 1

The European project carried out 4 economic impact studies in key countries of the region as part of its contributions to the local intellectual property landscape

After 48 months of hard work, focused primarily on the construction and consolidation of a network of intellectual property experts throughout Latin America, IP Key LA reaches the end of its implementation. The team, located in Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Spain has achieved important results in the advancement and operational improvements of the local offices, as well as producing content and activities aimed at different audiences, with an important goal in sight: to harmonise the treatment of intellectual property in the region and turn its markets into attractive and competitive spaces for new investments.

As part of its final activities, IP Key LA launched four economic impact studies to highlight the role IP has in productive activities and in the lives of citizens of Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Colombia. These studies, like those already presented in Peru and Mexico, provide concrete data on the contribution IP rights and their effective protection make to GDP, employment, imports and exports, among other indicators.

For Pedro Duarte, project leader, each of these investigations ‘has opened a door to knowledge and understanding of the real impact that intellectual property protection has on the economic, industrial and social dynamics of the focus countries.’ This, in turn, has enabled discussions of the growth potential that IP holds for the region. ‘As studies by the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) have shown for the European Union, these documents aim to develop better practices, policies and strategies for the protection, enforcement and strengthening of the IPR system to foster the growth of countries and their people.’

Below, you will find the economic contribution studies by country:

The economic contribution of intellectual property rights-intensive industries in Argentina

The economic contribution of intellectual property-intensive industries in Chile

The economic contribution of intellectual property rights-intensive industries in Uruguay

The economic contribution of the copyright and related rights industries in Colombia

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