Inventor remuneration rules workshop
IP Key held a workshop on inventor remuneration rules at Renmin University Law School in Beijing on July 17th 2015. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an understanding of how government-mandated systems for inventor remuneration function in EU Member States and China, and to investigate the impacts of these systems. These insights and related research under IP Key are intended to assess the optimality of state-mandated inventor remuneration rules, with a view to proposing a system that minimises the most avoidable costs and risks therein to employers while encouraging innovation.
For more information on this activity contact Dan Prud’homme at or for general information on IP Key contact Jaspal Channa at
JULY 17 2015
- 14:00-14:15 Introduction to workshop: Dan Prud’homme, IP Key; Prof. Guo He, Renmin University
- 14:15-14:45 Comparative analysis of proposed Chinese rules for service inventor remuneration vs. German and other European systems: Dr. Oliver Lutze, Spruson & Ferguson
- 14:45-15:15 Research undertaken for Chinese rules for service inventor remuneration: Prof. Guo He, Renmin University
15:15-15:30 Tea break
- 15:30-17:30 Semi-structured discussion/Q&A on: (A) Crafting an optimal service inventor remuneration system, including: (1) Motivating inventors using state-mandated remuneration vs. other methods, and balancing the two; (2) State approaches to (a) general scope of inventor remuneration rules; (b) amount of awards and remuneration, and calculation thereof (B) Recommendations for optimising the Chinese service inventor remuneration system
- Moderators: Prof. Guo He, Renmin University; Dr. Oliver Lutze, Spruson & Ferguson
17:30-17:45 Summary of discussion, recommendations for future: Prof. Guo He, Renmin University; Dr. Oliver Lutze, Spruson & Ferguson
17:45 Concluding remarks: Dan Prud’homme, IP Key
18:00-19:30 Networking and Dinner