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Study on Research and Compilation of Legislation on Copyrights Protection in the EU and China

The Study on Research and Compilation of Legislation on Copyrights Protection in the EU and China aims at exploring the main challenges that the current Chinese copyright system poses to European copyright intensive industries. It identifies several types of infringement that are especially threatening to European right holders and analyses whether and in how far the recent, not yet tried and tested reforms to the copyright system are capable of handling these, in comparison with EU model legislation. After having extracted current copyright legislation that needs further improvement, particularly in the areas of online content sharing service provider liability, the circumvention of technical protection measures and increased technical cooperation between right holders and internet platforms, proposals will be made with regard to future consultations between European and Chinese representatives. Wherever possible, these proposals are based on EU model law.


  1. Research on and Compilation of Legislation on Copyrights Protection in the EU and China [EN] [CN] [PDF - 1MB]
  2. Questionnaire of Research on and Compilation of Legislation on Copyrights Protection in the EU and China [EN] [CN] [PDF - 0,1MB]


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