19th EU-China Working Group Meeting
The 19th meeting of the EU-China IP Working Group was held on Friday 11th November at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium. The Working Group meeting supports the EU-China IP Dialogue and was thefirst time the session was held in Europe. It coincides with the 2nd Chinese inter-ministerial visit to Europe. This mission, which is led by the Ministry of Commerce is comprised of representatives of the National People’s Congress, the State Council, Chinese Judiciary as well as delegates from the National IP Leading Group and other ministries and agencies involved on IP related matters.
The meeting is co-chaired by Mr Fernando Perreau de Pinninck, recently appointed as the Head of Unit, DG Trade, European Commission and Mr Chen Fuli, Deputy Director General, Treaty and Law Department, MOFCOM.
As part of its implementation, IP Key supports the preparation of EU-China IP Dialogue and Working Group meetings. The EU-China IP Dialogue is a structured political exchange between the European Union and China on IP and is reinforced by regular IP Working Group meetings, which brings together officials from a range of agencies and ministries in the area of IP protection, EU experts and representatives of industry. The EU-China Working Group was created in July 2004, endorsed at the EU-China Summit in 2005 and held its first meeting on 18 October 2005 in Beijing.
For more general information on IP Key contact Jaspal Channa at jaspal.channa@ipkey.org
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