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IP Key China study_Lessons from the EU experience with memoranda of understanding in tackling the online sale of counterfeit goods

IP Key China unveiled a study at 2019 EU-China conference on IPR protection online and innovation. The study analyses the state of play of anti-counterfeiting strategies in the Chinese online environment before and after the entry into force of the 2019 E-commerce Law.


IP Key LA focuses first activity of 2020 on plant variety protection

As part of the 2020 Annual Work Programme, IP Key LA joined forces with the CPVO, GEVES, SENADI and UPOV to hold three events in Quito, Ecuador.

The first event was a face-to-face workshop, ‘PVP Licensing Lab’, which aimed to increase knowledge about plant variety protection (PVP) licensing among public research institutes and small and medium-sized private breeders.

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